Migration - MySQL to MSSQL

Migrating NetFlow Analyzer configuration from MySQL to MSSQL Database

NetFlow Analyzer lets users to migrate the existing NetFlow Analyzer configuration available in MySQL database to MSSQL database.

The steps to migrate and run the NetFlow Analyzer server with SQLSERVER as the database is given below:

  1. Stop the NetFlow Analyzer Server/Service.
  2. Invoke the <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\troubleshooting\Mysql_Mssql_BackUpConfig.bat, to backup the configuration available in MySQL database and wait till the configuration backup gets completed. By default backup file will be stored under <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\backup directory with the file name like 'BackupConfig_NFA_<Build_Number>_MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm.data'.
  3. From the installed MS SQL SERVER, copy the files bcp.exe and bcp.rll to <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\bin folder. Note: If the MSSQL server is 64-bit and NetFlow Analyzer is installed on 32-bit server, the bcp.exe and bcp.rll copied from the MSSQL server will not work, a 32-bit bcp.exe and bcp.rll is needed. Send us an email at netflowanalyzer-support@manageengine.com for further clarification.
  4. Go to the services window on the server where MSSQL is installed. If "SQL browser" service is not running, please start the service
  5. If the NetFlow Analyzer and MSSQL database is on the different server, Download the same version of MSSQL server Native client and install it on the NetFlow Analyzer server. This is needed for NetFlow Analyzer to communicate remote database server.
  6. Invoke the <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\bin\changeDBServer.bat, to configure the MS SQLSERVER credentials like ServerName, Port, UserName and Password.
  7. Database Setup Wizard pops-up.
  8. In the wizard screen, select Server Type as SQL Server. Available SQL Server Instances are listed in a combo box. Enter the Host Name and Port of the SQL Server from the instances. ( NetFlow Analyzer will work only with default instance)
  9. Select the authentication type using the "Connect Using:" options.
  10. The options are:
    1. Windows Authentication

      NOTE: If the SQL server and the NetFlow Analyzer installed server are in different domains, you can only use SQL authentication.

      For Windows Authentication, enter the Domain Name, User Name and Password. Ensure that both NetFlow Analyzer server and SQL Server are in the same domain and logged in with the same Domain Administrator account.

      Windows authentication
    2. SQL Server Authentication

      For SQL Server Authentication, enter the User Name and Password.

      SQL server authentication
  11. Click Test button to check whether the credentials are correct. If the test fails, the credentials may be wrong, recheck and enter the correct credentials.
  12. Click Save button to save the SQL Server configuration. Note that, it will take few minutes to configure the settings of the SQL Server database.
  13. Invoke the <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\bin\run.bat to start the NetFlow Analyzer server in the command prompt.
  14. After the server is started completely, stop the server by terminating the run.bat in the command prompt or invoke the <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\bin\shutdown.bat
  15. Invoke the <NetFlow Analyzer Home>\troubleshooting\Mysql_Mssql_RestoreConfig.bat
  16. Start the NetFlow Analyzer server/service.
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