Case Study

NetFlow Analyzer helps another Enterprise with distributed network traffic monitoring

Case study

“Ability to create threshold violation alert profiles and automatic scheduling of reports has saved so much of our time, which we can spend on sorting other issues. ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer has indeed become a significant resource for our networking team”

Richard Peirce
Manager of Network Services
Boston Properties

About the company:

Boston Properties is a fully integrated, self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust that develops, redevelops, acquires, manages, operates and owns a diverse portfolio of Class-A office, including one hotel. The Company is one of the largest owners and developers of Class-A office properties in the United States, concentrated in five markets - Boston, Washington, D.C., Midtown Manhattan, San Francisco and Princeton, N.J. Boston Properties currently monitors over 80 sites.

Business problem:

The network manager at Boston Properties considered it critical to view information regarding the health and availability of the network, at a glance, without spending hours on a daily basis using alternative methods. There was also a need to drill down into the devices to find the root cause of a network slowdown. The exact cause can be pinpointed by viewing the top applications, who are the top talkers and conversations, and finally, what time was the application used. In addition, the specific need to see if the VoIP packets were given proper DSCP marking to ensure its priority, by them and the carriers.

The search began for a tool which:


Among the various products evaluated, ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer was the only solution offering everything Boston Properties wanted and much more. At first the ability to evaluate the product for 30 days with all features led them to pick NetFlow Analyzer for serious evaluation. Using NetFlow Analyzer they were also able to see if the VoIP packets were marked correctly. “We were struggling to get the exact details such as source, destination and the time on which certain applications were used. Once we had ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer, we were able to get the precise information in minutes” says Richard Peirce, Manager of Network Services at Boston Properties.  They were also able to drill down into devices and interfaces to get a better view of the network traffic behavior at customizable timeframes. The unexpected bonuses were the ability to create threshold violation alert profiles and automatic scheduling of reports, which saved the networking team the time spent on mundane everyday check on the network status. With the alert profiles set, they can wait to be intimated in case the threshold limits are violated. With schedule reports, they were able to generate weekly, monthly reports on critical devices to analyze the bandwidth utilization trend. Currently they monitor 80 sites and they are confident that the numbers will increase and NetFlow Analyzer will stand up to the challenge.

The business result:

"ManageEngine has benefited us more than we expected or anticipated. Longer time with the product, has translated into more practical and impactful uses.” says Rich. The advanced application recognition by deep packet inspection using Cisco NBAR has helped them identify and track down applications using dynamic port, which would, otherwise, have gone unnoticed. The identification and thus blocking that application has increased the bandwidth for mission critical applications and preventing them from investing more on bandwidth and thus cutting costs. Credits to ManageEngine!

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