Error on Adding a Switch - Not a Switch


You get an error as "Not a Switch" when you add a switch in the Switch Port Mapper Tool.


The Switch Port Mapper, while adding a switch, performs the following checks:

  1. Whether the Switch respond to SNMP queries for the given community string.
  2. Whether the Switch has the Bridge MIB implemented. The Bridge MIB will contain the details of the MAC Addresses of the devices connected to the Switch Ports. If this MIB is not implemented, it simply returns an error as "Not a Switch"

Note: Switches that supports Bridge MIB can only be mapped using the Switch Port Mapper Tool.

Supported Switch Types

The Switch Port Mapper tool is tested to support switches of the following vendors:

Cisco Nortel HP
Foundry Extreme Networks Intel
DLink Huawei 3com Allied Telesyn
Alcatel Force 10 Dell
Aruba Arista

More Information

If your switch is one of those in the supported model and you still get this error, contact

Applies to: Switch Port Mapper, Rogue Detection

Keywords: Switch Port Mapping, Map Switch Ports to Devices, Add Switch, Switch Scanning.

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