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ADSelfService Plus product startup issues

What do you need to know before troubleshooting

  1. You need to have administrator access to ADSelfService Plus.

When you experience an error with ADSelfService Plus, check if the prerequisites are satisfied:

  1. Install ADSelfService Plus as a service
  2. Port availability
  3. Sufficient folder permissions
  4. Remove the .lock file
  5. Sufficient RAM size and database accessibility
  6. Add sites to the local intranet zone


Step 1. Install ADSelfService Plus as a service

If ADSelfService Plus is not accessible after rebooting the server, it could be because the product is running as an application and not as a service. Shut down the application and start it as a service.

Shutting down ADSelfService Plus

  1. Open Command Prompt and redirect it to <Installation folder>\bin (By default: C:\Program Files\ ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus\bin).
  2. Execute stopDB.bat and shutdown.bat.

Start ADSelfService Plus as a service

  1. Go to Start > select Run > type services.msc.
  2. Navigate to ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus and select Properties.
  3. Go to Logon Tab > choose This Account. Enter your administrative credentials and click OK.
  4. Now, right-click on ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus and select Start.

Important: If you haven't installed ADSelfService Plus as a service, follow the steps below:

  • Stop ADSelfService Plus (Go to Start > All Programs > ADSelfService Plus > Stop ADSelfService Plus).
  • Install ADSelfService Plus as a service (Go to Start > All Programs > ADSelfService Plus > NTService> Install ADSelfService Plus as Service).

Configure ADSelfService Plus to run automatically

  1. Go to Start > click Run > type services.msc.
  2. Navigate to ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus and select Properties.
  3. In the window that opens, select the option as automatic.

Step 2. Check port availability

  1. Go to the Command Prompt and execute netstat -ano | findstr 8888 (8888 is the default port number of ADSelfService Plus).
  2. Check the corresponding PID in the Task Manager. Go to the Task Manager > select View > click Columns > Enable PID.
  3. Click OK.
  4. If the port is used by any other product or process, restart the ADSelfService Plus server.

Step 3. Configure folder permissions

  1. Open Command Prompt and redirect it to <Installation folder>\bin (By default: C:\Program Files\ ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus\bin).
  2. Execute stopDB.bat and shutdown.bat.
  3. Open Task Manager and check whether you have wrapper.exe, mysqNT.exe/ postgres.exe or java.exe.

    Note: If any of the wrappers are found under processes kill each process in the above order.

  4. Grant Full Control to the installation folder of ADSelfService Plus and the account configured under Domain Settings\services.msc.

    Note: If you have selected Local System account under Log On option in Services.msc, ensure that the credential with which you have logged in to ADSelfService Plus installed machine has full control over the ADSelfService Plus folder.

  5. Restart ADSelfService Plus.

Step 4. Remove the .lock file

If the .lock file in the Bin folder was not removed due to improper server shutdown, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Command Prompt and redirect it to <Installation folder>\Bin (Location: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus\Bin).
  2. Find the .lock and files in the installation folder of ADSelfService Plus and delete them.
  3. Grant Full Control to the installation folder of ADSelfService Plus and the account configured under Domain Settings\services.msc.

    Note: If you have selected Local System account under Log On option in Services.msc, ensure that the credential with which you have logged in to ADSelfService Plus installed machine has full control over the ADSelfService Plus folder.

  4. Restart ADSelfService Plus.

Step 5. Check RAM size and database accessibility

Ensure that ADSelfService Plus has a minimum of two to four GB space in the server instance and that the organization's database is reachable from the server.

Step 6. Adding ADSelfService Plus access URL to the trusted sites.

If sites are not added to the local intranet zone, a blank page might be displayed when admins try to access ADSelfService Plus via a browser.

How to add sites to the Local intranet zone?

The required configuration can be applied in two ways.

Method 1: Using a group policy (supported on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer)

  1. Create a new Group Policy Object and navigate to User Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → Internet Explorer → Internet Control Panel → Security Page → Sites to Zones Assignment list. Select Enable.
  2. Click Show to display the zone assignments. Enter the access URL in Value name and relate it to the trusted sites by entering the number 1 in Value, and then click OK.
  3. Navigate to User Configurations → Administrative Templates &rarr All Settings → Logon options. Select Enable.
  4. From the Logon options list, click Automatic logon only in Intranet zone, and then click OK.

Method 2: Manual configuration

  1. Google Chrome:

    • Navigate to Settings → Advanced drop-down → System module → Open proxy settings.
    • Click the Security tab and select the Local intranet icon.
    • Click the Sites button and proceed to enter the access URL of ADSelfService Plus in the required field, and click Add.
  2. Internet Explorer:

    • Navigate to Tools → Internet Options → Security.
    • Click the Security tab and select the Local intranet icon.
    • Click the Sites button and proceed to enter the access URL of ADSelfService Plus in the required field, and then click Add.
  3. Mozilla Firefox:

    • Type about:config in the address bar and hit the enter key to display the list of preferences. If there's a warning message displayed, click the I accept the risk button to proceed.
    • Navigate to the network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris preference.
    • Double-click the preference and enter the access URL of ADSelfService Plus. For example: selfservice-5994:8888
    • Click OK.

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