How to wake a computer on LAN?

Remote Access Plus has the ability to wake up Windows and Linux computers within the same and different subnets. When a task is initiated to wake up a computer, the target computer's broadcast address is sent to the specific computer which is live in that subnet.

1. To wake a computer belonging to a different subnet, at least one computer in the specified subnet should be live.
2. If a Linux computer is connected to an external network adaptor, ensure the adaptor supports Wake On LAN operation.

Pre-requisites to wake a computer on LAN:

    1. Any one of the below pre-requisite must be met:
      • IP redirected broadcast should be enabled on the router.
      • One of the computer under Remote Access Plus management should be live in the same subnet.
    2. Enable Wake on LAN in BIOS settings.
      • During the computer’s power-on self-test enter the BIOS setting screen by pressing the F1, INS, or DEL keys.
      • Under Power Management choose Wake on LAN and save.
        Note: If you see a Deep Sleep Mode, ensure to have it disabled.
    3. Operating System related settings:

Open the Remote Access Plus web console, navigate to Tools-> Wake On LAN-> Settings and select Enable Wake On LAN Settings in Agent Machines.
The network adapters of all the agents will restart when Wake-on-LAN settings is enabled.

Note: Wake-On-LAN functionality is not supported for managed Virtual Machines.

Waking up computers manually/on-demand

You can Wake computers on LAN manually by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. From the Tools tab, click Wake On LAN.
  2.  This lists all the managed computers in your network. From this list, select the computers that need to be booted and click Wake Up Now.

 You can see that the wake up process has been initiated and the status will be updated.

Waking up computers automatically/Scheduling a Wake on LAN task

To create a Wake on LAN task, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Define Task

  1. Navigate to Wake on LAN from the Tools tab.
  2. Click the Schedule Wake Upbutton to create a new task and specify the following:
    • Provide a name for the task
    • Waiting time after wake up: After broadcasting the Wake On LAN packets, server will wait for the period specified here to check the status of the computer.
    • Resolve IP Address on each schedule: Select this option to resolve the IP Addresses of the machines during every schedule.

Step 2: Select Computers

  1. Define the targets that comprise the list of computers to be booted.
  2. Broadcasting of the WOL packets is based on the subnet address of the computers. If the subnet address is blank or if it is incorrect, the task may fail. You can modify the details such as MAC address, IP address and Subnet mask of the computer by choosing Modify under the Actions column opposite to the corresponding computer.

Step 3: Define Scheduler

  1. Once: To run the task only once. You need to specify the date and time.
  2. Daily: To run the task daily. Specify the time and duration to run the task.
  3. Weekly: To run the task on specific day(s) in a week. Specify the time, start date, and days on which the task has to be run.
  4. Monthly: To run the task specific day every month(s). You need to specify starting time, select a day and select a month/months.

Step 4: Deploy Task

Click the Submit button to deploy this task. The tasks will be run at the scheduled time and interval. The status of the tasks and their execution history can be verified from the Task Details page.

Viewing and Modifying Wake on LAN Tasks

To view the Wake on LAN tasks that have been created, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Wake on LAN from the Tools tab. This lists all the tasks that are already created/scheduled.
  2. To modify a task, choose to Modify from the Actions column opposite to the corresponding task.
  3. To delete a task, choose to Delete from the Actions column opposite to the corresponding task.

Viewing Wake on LAN Task Status

To view the status of the Wake on LAN tasks that have been created, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Wake on LAN from the Tools tab. This lists all the tasks that are already created/scheduled.
  2. Click on the task name to view the status of the computers in that task.

You can filter to view the details of the computers by filtering status such as Scheduled, Processing, Success, and Failed.

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