Download Service Packs/Hotfix

We recommend users to move to the latest version, RMM Central build 10.3.29 (Learn what's new!)

The SHA256 checksum hash value is e75e3b295dccce22e38c6317dad05250b892d77a07110843ab746c3a1f0ed421.


How do I find out my build number?

You can find the build number at the top right side corner of RMM Central product.

If your build number is Upgrade to Build Number UEM Build Number Monitoring Build Number SHA256 Checksum hash value
10.3.3 to 10.3.28 Download and upgrade to 10.3.29 . 11.3.2428.26 12.8.511 e75e3b295dccce22e38c6317dad05250b892d77a07110843ab746c3a1f0ed421
10.2.3 to 10.3.0 Download and upgrade to 10.3.3 . 11.3.2400.26 12.8.002 5677a8832ba06612c5590a3939afade8ea679ab8513d72649c2380ff0a13ce47
10.1.28 to 10.2.2 Download and upgrade to 10.2.3 . 11.2.2300.7 12.7.001 b19900705d81a163b6838367475ecb56219752519e02ed777dbdbd665b51e400
10.0.8 to 10.1.27 Download and upgrade to 10.1.28 . 10.1.2138.15 12.6 55db2085b132d7e4520e28631b59013dc5c0b9a4d810286b38b77e5ef70c185d
10.0.0 to - Download and upgrade to 10.0.7 . - 12.5.466 -

RMM Central can be upgraded to 10.3.11 build only after updating the system to 10.3.3.
RMM Central can be upgraded to 10.3.3 build only after updating the system to 10.2.3.
RMM Central can be upgraded to 10.2.3 build only after updating the system to 10.1.28.
RMM Central can be upgraded to 10.1.28 build only after updating the system to 10.0.7.

PPM Installation Steps

ManageEngine RMM Central service pack contains two components to be updated. The service pack is provided as a .zip file which contains two PPM files for RMM Management and RMM Monitoring respectively. These ppms need to be applied based on the build numbers of UEM and Monitoring components.

  1. Conditions to be checked
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Instructions to Apply Service Packs/Hot Fixes for RMM Management component
  4. Instructions to Apply Service Packs/Hot Fixes for RMM Monitoring component
  5. Automatic updating of Probe Servers

Conditions to be checked

  1. Check & note the build versions of RMM Management and RMM Monitoring components from the product console.
  2. If the build number for each component is less than the mentioned number, that particular PPM needs to be updated.
    For example, if the Management component build number is less than 10.1.2138.15, Management component of 10.1.28 zip needs to be updated.
  3. The latest PPMs cannot directly be applied, unless the previously released UEM and Monitoring builds are updated and within the mentioned conditions.


    • Take a backup of the RMM Central installation directory (/RMMCentral_Server) to avoid any data loss during the upgrade process.
    • If you have installed RMM Central Server on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, Windows 8, Windows 2012 or Windows 2012 R2 you should login as a default administrator before running the Update Manager tool.
    • Ensure that either your RMM Central installation directory or the RMM Central Directory folder in the system on which the RMM Central database is running is not scanned by the anti virus.
    • If RMM Central is installed on a virtual machine, take a VM snapshot of the Central and all probes.
    • Stop the ManageEngine RMM Central Server and ManageEngine RMM Monitoring Central Service under services.msc
    • Note: Kindly apply the service pack during non-business hours to reduce production blackout, as the RMM server needs to be stopped.

Instructions to Apply Service Packs/Hot Fixes

RMM Management Component

RMM Monitoring Component

Smart Update (Automatic updating of Probe Servers)