- How do I find out my Build number?
- 1 Log in to the SharePoint Manager Plus web client, and click the "License" link in the top pane.
- 2 You will find the "Build" number mentioned below the "Product Version"

SharePoint Manager Plus Service Pack
If your Build Number is |
Upgrade to Build Number |
4500 through 4504 |
Download and upgrade to latest 4505
4401 through 4405 |
Download and upgrade to 4500
4300 through 4400 |
Download and upgrade to 4401
4100 through 4201 |
Download and upgrade to 4300
Note: We strongly recommend you to take backups before migrating. This helps you prevent accidental loss of data.
- If your build number isUpgrade to Build NumberSHA256 Checksum hash value
- 4500 to 4504Download and upgrade to 4505166ea493405b679d1d0f9d53136b5f19beeacb3c9f1c5234f9e78452c20386a7
- 4401 to 4405Download and upgrade to 4500bccc248f2224dcf62157d244d4b78351d6205ed24bb9a290ae8791c0a089a7d1
- 4300 to 4400Download and upgrade to 440162195bb95943e08ce81957243c76fccde38ad8ab0b1e0e18ec5baf353d454c63
- 4100 to 4201Download and upgrade to 4300343d370508e000afeeea0c486edd0aeec223eea96760114706e6e39446202cbc
Instructions to apply Service Pack
- 1Shut down SharePoint Manager Plus.
- If the product runs as an application, click Start → All Programs → SharePoint Manager Plus → Stop SharePoint Manager Plus.
- If the product runs as a Windows service, click Start → Run → Type "services.msc" → Stop "SharePoint Manager Plus".
- 2Execute the stopDB.bat file as administrator under <SharePointManagerPlusHome> → bin directory.
- 3Back up SharePoint Manager Plus by zipping the contents of <SharePointManagerPlusHome> directory.
- 4If you use Microsoft SQL as the Database Server for SharePoint Manager Plus, backup the database as well.
- 5Ensure that the logged on user has "Write" permission for the <SharePointManagerPlusHome> directory.
- If you're not sure about the access provided, provide "Full control" for "Everyone", which can be removed after applying the service pack.
- Right click on <SharePointManagerPlusHome> directory → Properties → Security tab → Add "Everyone" with "Full control" → Apply.
- 6Open Command Prompt as Administrator and execute the UpdateManager.bat file under <SharePointManagerPlusHome> → bin directory.
- 7Click Browse and select the .ppm file that you have downloaded.
Note: If you are facing the error "Signature does not match with any available certificates. Please import a valid certificate or contact support," download the certificate based on your current build number and import it by clicking Import Certificate at the top-right corner of the Update Manager window.
- 8Click Install for the service pack. Depending on the amount of data to be migrated, the installation procedure may take a few minutes. Please do not terminate prematurely.
- 9Click Close and then Exit to quit the Update Manager tool.
- 10Start SharePoint Manager Plus.
- If the product runs as an application, click on Start → All Programs → SharePoint Manager Plus → Start SharePoint Manager Plus.
- If the product runs as a windows service, click on Start → Run → type "services.msc" → Right-click "SharePoint Manager Plus" → Start.
Note: If you need to apply more than one service pack, follow the same instructions for each installation.
How do I find my current build number? (Refer screenshot)
- Log in to the SharePoint Manager Plus web client.
- Click on the License link at the top right corner.
- Find the Build number.
Need Help?
You can contact SharePoint Manager Plus Support at any time for assistance in upgrading SharePoint Manager Plus to the latest version.