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Mitigating cyberthreats in 2020:
A unified approach to endpoint security

Raja M

Solution expert, ManageEngine endpoint management solutions



It goes without saying that endpoint threats pose a significant risk to organizations and government agencies, as they can compromise sensitive and confidential data at the drop of a hat. According to a report by IDC, 70 percent of cyberthreats originate from endpoints that are vulnerable to security threats. As attackers grow more sophisticated, organizations are finding they require additional layers of security to fend them all off.

Unsecured endpoints can cause catastrophic incidents that threaten an organization’s security and reputation. The ability to identify, preempt, and thwart breaches at the device level is critical to your organization’s security posture.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Why is it high time we redefine endpoints and endpoint security
  • Endpoint security trends that could impact your strategy for 2020
  • Major attacks of the past, vulnerabilities that led to these attacks, and how to build a proactive shield against them
  • The different types of security threats and how a unified endpoint security strategy can help you stay ahead of them


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Speaker Details

Raja M

Solution expert, ManageEngine endpoint management solutions

Raja’s journey in ManageEngine started with endpoint management solution. 9 years of his experience involves various roles such as managing technical content, training customers, analyzing market trends and cybersecurity threats.

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