Hack ou attaque ?!

Préparez-vous à découvrir des incidents de
cyberattaques parmi les plus bizarres de l’histoire.

Des dinosaures "à la mode" sur Vogue

Publié le 1er octobre 2024.

En 2013, le site web de Vogue UK a affiché des dinosaures portant des chapeaux sur l'écran. Les visiteurs pouvaient se rendre sur leur site et saisir le code Konami (un célèbre code de triche des jeux vidéo) : Haut, Haut, Bas, Bas, Gauche, Droite, Gauche, Droite, B, A. La manière dont le hacker a obtenu un accès non autorisé n’a pas été divulguée. Bien que l’intention semblait être de s’amuser, cela rappelle à quel point les violations de la sécurité sur Internet peuvent être inattendues !


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L'impact de l'IA sur le paysage de la cybersécurité :
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Adopting Zero Trust to safeguard against generative AI cyberthreats

Adopting Zero Trust to safeguard against generative AI cyberthreats

The ten commandments of peripheral device security

The ten commandments of peripheral device security

10 Firewall best practices for network security admins

10 Firewall best practices for network security admins

Why your Enterprise needs a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution?

Why your Enterprise needs a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution?

Privileged access management 101: A comprehensive guide to building a sound PAM strategy for your enterprise

Privileged access management 101: A comprehensive guide to building a sound PAM strategy for your enterprise

Zero-day 101 Deciphering 0-day Attacks

Zero-day 101 Deciphering 0-day Attacks

Rogues on the rise: Is your network secure enough?

Rogues on the rise: Is your network secure enough?

How to stay ahead of cybercriminals using SIEM

How to stay ahead of cybercriminals using SIEM

A 10-point checklist for comprehensive data protection

A 10-point checklist for comprehensive data protection

Get Cyber insurance ready with ManageEngine PAM360

Get Cyber insurance ready with ManageEngine PAM360

Endpoint protection in the digital age: A crowdsourced playbook on fortifying your enterprise

Endpoint protection in the digital age: A crowdsourced playbook on fortifying your enterprise

Using indicators to deal with security attacks

Using indicators to deal with security attacks

Automating joiners, movers, and leavers life cycle management using a no-code solution

Automating joiners, movers, and leavers life cycle management using a no-code solution

An IT admin's guide to provileged account governance

An IT admin's guide to provileged account governance

The endpoint endgame: Essential secuirty practices you need to thrive in a remote world

The endpoint endgame: Essential secuirty practices you need to thrive in a remote world

Getting the best out of your SIEM: The handbook for security analysts

Getting the best out of your SIEM: The handbook for security analysts

A guide to master CISA's MFA best practices

A guide to master CISA's MFA best practices

Breaking the security silos

Breaking the security silos

8 best practices for device control in 2024

8 best practices for device control in 2024

Threat intelligence and the SIEM advantage

Threat intelligence and the SIEM advantage



La campagne du Mois de sensibilisation à la cybersécurité 2024 est terminée.
A l’année prochaine avec encore beaucoup à apprendre !

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