The Free VM Configuration Tool helps the User/Administrator to Manage and Monitor a VM Ware ESX 4.0/4.1 host.
Start the tool, this will take you to the Settings window where host details can be provided to make connection withHost Server.
Click on the Settings icon to get the server settings window. Give host server details as given.
Click on "Connect" in order to connect to the VMware ESX 4.0/4.1 Host.
If the connection to host is successful,Tool will populate all the attributes of the Host and its Virtual machines
Click the virtual server in the tree, it will take you to summary view. By Default "Summary view" will be selected
To perform configuration and power operation on the virtual machine of connected host, select the virtual machine from the TreeView.
Note: Changes made here may not be reflected if the Host is being managed by a VCenter Server.
In this tool, four basic power operations can be performed on a virtual machine. They are:
Power On, Power Off, Suspend, Reset
To perform the operation on the selected VM, click on "Power tasks".
Now, Current power state of the virtual machine will be shown. Power operations can be performed by clicking on the power option.
If a Virtual machine is in "PoweredOn" State, then the tool allows administrator to perform Power Off, Suspend and Reset operation.
Also, if a Virtual machine is in "PoweredOff" or "Suspended" State, then the tool allows administrator to perform only Power On operation.
In this tool, Three attributes of CPU of a virtual machine can be configured. They are Number of CPU(s), Resource limit and Resource reserved.
To perform the configuration on the selected VM, click on "CPU".
Based on the current values of the attributes, if you wish to configure click on the EDIT icon. Administrator can configure Number of CPU(s), Resource limit and Resource reserved . After changes have been made as per the requirement, click on COMMIT icon to apply the changes.
Note : Number of CPU(s) can only be modified when the virtual machine is in "Powered Off" state.
In this tool, three attributes of Memory of a virtual machine can be configured. They are Memory allocated, Resource limit and Resource reserved.
To perform the configuration on the selected VM, click on "Memory".
Based on the current values of the attributes, if you wish to configure click on the EDIT icon. Administrator can configure Memory allocated, Resource limit and Resource reserved. After changes have been made as per the requirement, click on COMMIT icon to apply the changes.
Note : Memory Allocation can only be modified when the virtual machine is in "Powered Off" state.
The Resource Limit in case of CPU and Memory can be set to "No Limit" by clicking on the checkbox. "No Limit" means there is no limitation other than available resources. So, Once the No Limit is selected and configuration is committed, then respective resource limit is set to the maximum resources allocated for the virtual machine.
To rename the Virtual machine, Select the virtual machine from the TreeView.
Now, click on the selected virtual machine again in order to make VM Name editable. Press enter perform rename operation on the virtual machine.
If the need is to fetch all the attributes of the selected virtual machine, click on "Refresh" icon.
To get technical assistance or to receive further details regarding VM Configuration tool, contact