Free VMware Configuration – Features

VMware Configuration Tool helps administrators to monitor VMware ESX 4.0 & VMware ESX 4.1 hosts and it can manage/configure some important attributes of the virtual machines available in the host machine.

Parameters that can be managed/configured for a virtual machine(s) using this tool are as follows:

Power Operations

  • Power On - Powers on the virtual machine.
  • Power Off - Powers off the virtual machine.
  • Suspend - Suspends the execution of the virtual machine.
  • Reset - Reset means powerOff the virtual server and powerOn the virtual server.

Using the Configuration tool, Administrator can configure power operations.

CPU - Configuration

  • Number of CPU(s) - Number of virtual CPU(s) in a virtual machine. (Value more than total number of CPUs of the Host is not allowed )
  • Resource limit - The CPU utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit even if there are available resources.( in MHz)
  • Resource reserved - The amount of resource that is maximum available to a virtual machine.

Using this tool, Administrator can allocate virtual CPU(s) to the virtual machines.

Memory - Configuration

  • Memory Allocated - Size of the memory in a virtual machine. ( in MB)
  • Resource limit - The memory utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit even if the memory allocated is higher than its limit.(in MB).
  • Resource reserved - The amount of resource that is maximum available to a virtual machine. (in MB)

Rename Virtual machine

Virtual machine can be renamed if required. This allows administrator to configure the name of the virtual machine

VM Events

VM Configuration tool receives events for the virtual machines available in the VMware Host.

Once the tool makes a connection with the host, the tool will be listening for virtual machine events. Based on the event received for the specific virtual machine, parameters of that virtual machine will be updated.

Tool listen for the following Events : VmPoweredOffEvent, VmPowerOnEvent, VmSuspendedEvent, VmAutoRenameEvent, VmGuestRebootEvent, VMGuestShutdownEvent, VmRenamedEvent, VMCreatedEvent and VMRemovedEvent.

Performance Monitoring for VMware ESX

ManageEngine VM Configuration Tool also help an administrator to view the following performance parameters for both VMware Host and its virtual machines.

Summary view for VMware ESX Host


Tool populates host name, VM ware ESX product details, number of virtual machine(s) and the boot time in the host machine.


Number of logical CPU(s), total capacity (in MHz), usage (in MHz) for the host machine are displayed.


Memory available for host machine( in MB), usage (MB) for the host machine are populated.


The details of the datastores which are available for the host machine are shown.


List of Networks available in the host machine and the number of virtual machines in each network are shown.

Summary view for Virtual machine


This include name, power state, alternate OS and boot time of the virtual machine.


Number of logical CPU(s) allocated to the virtual machine and its usage (in MHz) are displayed.


Tool shows memory allocated(in MB) to the virtual machine and its usage (in MB).

Storage Disk

Tool shows details of the hard-disks created in the virtual machine.

Network Adapter

Tool shows the details of the network adapters available for the virtual machine.

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