Google Workspace

To add your Google Workspace domain to Identity360:

  1. Log in to Identity360 as an Admin or Super Admin.
  2. Navigate to the Universal Directory tab > Directory Integration > Manage Directory.
  3. Click Add Directory.
  4. Click the Google Workspace card under the Import From Applications section.
  5. Click Create New Configuration button on the top-right corner of the Configure Google Workspace window.
  6. Enter the desired application name in the Application Name field and click Description to add a description of the application.
  7. Enter the name of the domain to be added to Identity360 in the Domain Name field.
  8. Check Import/Sync from Choose Capabilities. You can also check Provisioning, which will also automatically check Import/Sync, if you need the capability to provision and de-provision users in your Google Workspace domain from Identity360.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. In the Integration Settings section, click Create Connection if you do not have a connection configured already. If you have a connection configured, you can select that and click Save.
  11. In the Create Connection window, type in the Connection Name in the respective field and click Authorize. You will be shown a couple of instructions on how to proceed.
  12. Click Proceed. You will be redirected to the Google Workspace login page.
  13. Enter the Email address and Password of an account that has Super Admin role and login.
  14. Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to grant Identity360 access to your Google account. Click Allow.
  15. You will be redirected back to the Identity360 portal.
  16. The Google Workspace directory is now integrated with Identity360.

To manage the users in your Google Workspace domain from Identity360, use the All Users option.

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