Backup Settings

This section lets you configure a backup schedule for your Azure AD tenant.

When you configure your Azure AD tenant with RecoveryManager Plus, a new entry will be created in the Backup Settings page. To set up a backup schedule for the Azure AD tenant,

  • Navigate to Azure AD tab → Settings → Backup Settings.
  • Click the icon-edit icon located in the Action column of the tenant.
  • Select the frequency at which full backups must be taken from the list of options available: weekly or monthly.
  • Select the frequency at which the incremental backups must be taken from the list of options available: hourly, daily, or weekly.
  • Select the repository in which you wish to store the backups from the drop-down box.
  • Enter the number of full backups to be held in your repository at all times in the Set Retention Period field.
  • Note: When the number of full backups in your repository exceeds the retention limit, the oldest full backup and its subsequent incremental backups will be discarded. To disable backup retention, set the retention period as '0' or leave it empty.

  • Click Save.

Once you have created a backup schedule, you can edit it any time by clicking on the icon-edit icon.

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