When a domain controller is configured as a DNS name server, the DNS zone data is stored as an object in Active Directory (AD) and replicated during domain replication. Accidental modifications to DNS zone data can disrupt the entire AD environment.
To address this, RecoveryManager Plus provides an easy way to backup and restore DNS zones if any undesired changes occur.
This guide will explain how you can recover DNS zones using RecoveryManager Plus.
Figure 1: Filtering DNS zones for restoration using RecoveryManager Plus
Figure 2: Filtered list of DNS zones in RecoveryManager Plus
Figure 3: Restoring DNS zones using Version View in RecoveryManager Plus
Figure 4: Restoring DNS zones using attribute View in RecoveryManager Plus
Once the process is complete, the DNS zones will be restored to the selected version or specific attributes you chose.
In addition to restoring DNS zones, RecoveryManager Plus can also:
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