Use our detailed graphs to understand which cloud apps are commonly used and by whom.
Track upload, download, and other activity details across cloud storage and productivity platforms such as Box, Dropbox, and Microsoft 365.
1.Visibility into cloud app usage: Use our detailed graphs to understand which cloud apps are commonly used and by whom.
2.Analyze cloud activity: Track upload, download, and other activity details across cloud storage and productivity platforms such as Box, Dropbox, and Microsoft 365.
Analyze unusual activities like repeated requests to access banned cloud applications and elevated levels of shadow application usage.
1.crutinize suspicious behavior: Analyze unusual activities like repeated requests to access banned cloud applications and elevated levels of shadow application usage.
Scrutinize both successful and failed accesses to cloud applications with low reputations. Locate and block unnecessary and malicious websites.
Identify the most commonly used cloud app categories used along with details on data transfer activities through them.
1.Manage access to resources: Scrutinize both successful and failed accesses to cloud applications with low reputations. Locate and block unnecessary and malicious websites.
2.Catalog cloud apps used: Identify the most commonly used cloud app categories used along with details on data transfer activities through them.
Use the analytics dashboard to view key metrics on the total number of cloud applications accessed along with upload and download information.
Compare and contrast the difference in cloud service usage patterns over predefined periods.
1.Cloud analytics dashboard: Use the analytics dashboard to view key metrics on the total number of cloud applications accessed along with upload and download information.
2.Time-based analysis: Compare and contrast the difference in cloud service usage patterns over predefined periods.
Detect, disrupt, and prevent sensitive data leaks via endpoints, i.e., USBs and email.
Learn MoreAnalyze file content and context, and classify files based on vulnerability.
Learn MoreMonitor, analyze, and report on all file server accesses and modifications.
Learn MoreTrack your organization's web traffic, and block malicious web applications
Learn MoreUse our detailed guide to develop an effective data loss prevention strategy.
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