How to protect files from being copied using DataSecurity Plus

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How to protect files from being copied using DataSecurity Plus

Preventing unwanted file copy actions is vital to safeguard business-critical data from theft and limit unwanted duplication of files and folders within your data repositories. ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus provides in-depth visibility into all file accesses and restricts file copy actions across local and shared folders.

Steps to protect files from being copied using DataSecurity Plus

protect files from copying endpoint dlp
  1. Download and install DataSecurity Plus.
  2. Open the DataSecurity Plus web console.
  3. Add workstations or a group of workstations to which you want to apply the copy prevention policy using these steps.
  4. Select Endpoint DLP from the application drop-down.
protect files from copying file copy policy
  1. Go to Configuration and under Prevention Policies, click File Copy Policy. Click + Create File Copy Policy in the top-right corner.
protect files from copying add new policy
  1. Enter a suitable Policy Name and Policy Description.
  2. Select Block under both Local Copy and Network Copy.

Local Copy: Files that are copied from the local system or from the connected external storage devices.

Network Copy: File copy actions that take place within the network.

  1. By default, Enabled is chosen from the Auditing drop-down, which would help you in auditing the complete record of all employees who attempted to copy files with details on when and from where.
  2. Click Save.
protect files from copying policies
  1. Go to Configuration > Policies. Click + Add Policy in the top-right corner.
protect files from copying file copy prevention
  1. Enter a suitable Policy Name and Policy Description.
  2. Under Applies to, choose the endpoints or group of endpoints to which you want to apply the policy.
  3. Under Prevention Policies, click File Copy Prevention and check Protect files from being copied.
  4. Click Save.

DataSecurity Plus will now block file copy actions across both local and shared files for the selected devices.

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