Agent Installation

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Agent Installation - Change Name/IP/Port Number of Endpoint Central Server


You want to update a new DNS name/ip and port number of the Endpoint Central Server in the agents (Client Computers) that are already installed


You have moved your Endpoint Central Server to another machine which has a different name/ip and port number.


You can change the following in the Endpoint Central Agents that have been already installed:

  • The Name or the IP Address of the Endpoint Central Server
  • The HTTP and HTTPS ports that are used by the Endpoint Central Agents to communicate with the Server
  • The mode of the communication as HTTP or HTTPS

To change the values,

  1. Download the configureDCAgentServerCommunication.txt and rename it to configureDCAgentServerCommunication.vbs
  2. Copy the script to the client computers whre the agent is installed.
  3. Open a command prompt (start --> Run --> cmd and press enter)
  4. Execute the command given below:

    cscript configureDCAgentServerCommunication.vbs <DCServerName> <DCServer IP Address> <DCServer HTTP Port> <DCServer HTTPS Port> <DCServerAgent Comm Protocol>

    Example: cscript configureDCAgentServerCommunication.vbs 8040 8041 http

Applies to: Server Migration, Agent-Server Communication

Keywords: Update Server Details, Agent-Server Communication

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