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Managing Shortcuts

  1. Name the Configuration
  2. Define Configuration
  3. Define Target
  4. Deploy Configuration

The shortcut is an icon that points to a file, folder or an Internet URL. The Shortcut Configuration enables you to add shortcuts to the computers from a central point.

Step 1: Name the Configuration

Provide a name and description for the Shortcut Configuration.

Step 2: Define Configuration

You can perform the following actions:

Create a Shortcut

To create a shortcut, select the Action as Create Shortcut and specify the following values:




Shortcut Name*

Specify the name of the shortcut.

Target Application*

Browse and select the target application from the network for which a shortcut has to be created. The target application can also be in the local machine where the configuration is being deployed.


If the application requires any arguments, specify the arguments. Leave it blank if it does not require any arguments.

Shortcut Location

Select the location to create the shortcut. The shortcut location can be any of the following:

  • All Users Desktop: Refers to the desktop common for all the users.

  • All Users Start Menu: Refers to the start menu common for all users.

  • All Users Programs Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs group common for all the users.

  • All Users Startup Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs --> Startup group common for all the users.

  • Custom Location: This configures the target location for the shortcut as specified by the technician.

Start In Folder*

Some applications may have some references to additional files during execution. In such cases, browse and select the location from where the application has to be started.

Shortcut Comments

Specify the comments for this shortcut.

Icon File*

Browse and select the icon for the shortcut.

Run Window

Select how the application has be started - Normal, Maximized, or Minimized.


* - Click the icon to select and assign a dynamic variable to this parameter.


Note: If you wish to create more shortcuts, click Add Shortcut button and repeat step 2. The defined shortcut gets added to the Shortcut table.


Create an Internet Shortcut

To create an Internet shortcut, select the Action as Create Internet Shortcut and specify the following values:



Shortcut Name*

Specify the name of the Internet shortcut.

Target URL*

Specify the URL for which the shortcut needs to be created.

Shortcut Location

Select the location to create the shortcut. The shortcut location can be any of the following:

  • All Users Desktop: Refers to the desktop common for all the users.

  • All Users Start Menu: Refers to the start menu common for all users.

  • All Users Programs Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs group common for all the users.

  • All Users Startup Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs --> Startup group common for all the users.

  • Custom Location: This configures the target location for the shortcut as specified by the technician.

Icon File*

Browse and select the icon for the shortcut.


Delete a Shortcut / Internet Shortcut

To delete a shortcut, select the Action as Delete Shortcut / Delete Internet Shortcut respectively and specify the following values:




Shortcut Name

Specify the name of the shortcut. Click the icon to select and assign a dynamic variable to this parameter.

Shortcut Location

Select the location from where the shortcuts needs to be deleted. The shortcut location can be any of the following:

  • All Users Desktop: Refers to the desktop common for all the users.

  • All Users Start Menu: Refers to the start menu common for all users.

  • All Users Programs Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs group common for all the users.

  • All Users Startup Group: Refers to the Start --> Programs --> Startup group common for all the users.

  • Custom Location: This configures the target location for the shortcut as specified by the technician.


Note: If you wish to delete more shortcuts, click Add More Shortcut button and repeat step 2. The defined shortcut gets added to the Shortcut table.

To modify a shortcut from the Shortcut table, select the appropriate row and click icon and change the required values.


To delete a shortcut from the Shortcut table, select the appropriate row and click icon.

Step 3: Define Target

Using  the Defining Targets procedure, define the targets for deploying the Shortcut Configuration.

Step 4: Deploy Configuration

Click the Deploy button to deploy the defined Shortcut Configuration in the defined targets. The shortcut configuration will take effect during the next system start up.

To save the configuration as draft, click Save as Draft.

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