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Configure Exchange Profile for Outlook

Configuring mailbox is one of the essential need on every enterprise. Configuring Exchange profile for outlook users consumes a lot of time and effort. Endpoint Central MSP helps you to automate this. You can create a configuration, to create/delete the exchange profile for outlook users.

Creating Exchanging Profile

Configuring mail communication is the first task, that needs to be performed for every new user. This routine task, can be simplified using Endpoint Central MSP. You can choose to create the exchange profile for all outlook users, by creating a configuration from here : Desktop Central MSP -> Configurations -> Exchange for Outlook -> User Configuration. You will have to provide the following information:

  • Profile Name : Display name of the profile
  • Server Name : Name of the Outlook Server, this should be a FQDN or DNS
  • User Name : Specify the name of the user for the outlook profile, you can choose to dynamic variable if you wanted this name to be filled dynamically for every user.
  • Exchange Account : The name of the exchange account, as it is referred.

    When you create a profile, you can choose to set the newly created profile as default. You can also choose to overwrite the existing profiles if any, exists with the same name.

If you wanted the emails to be downloaded on the user's computers, then you will have to choose "Cached Mode". You can also specify, what type of contents should be downloaded and the location to store it.  It is always recommended to encrypt the communication between the exchange server and outlook. In addition to encrypting, you can also authenticate the communication using NTLM or Kerberos. Specify the mode, as HTTP, HTTPS or intranet. If you wanted to configure "Exchange" to be accessed only  within the enterprise, you can choose intranet. Exchange will be accessed using the local wifi. If you choose HTTP or HTTPS, then you will have to specify the proxy url, principal name and authentication type. Exchange profile is ready for outlook users, you can choose the target and deploy the configuration.

You can see that you have successfully configured exchange profile for outlook users.

Deleting Exchange Profile

When a user, moves out of the organization or role, you can choose to delete the exchange profile deployed using Endpoint Central. You can create a configuration, from here : Desktop Central -> Configurations -> Exchange for Outlook -> User Configuration. You will have to specify the name of the profile, which needs to be deleted and specify the target before deploying the configuration.

You can now see that Exchange profile has been successfully removed from all the target computers.


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