Patch Download Failure

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Patch Download Failure - "Connection Time Out / Bug in Authorization Handling / Connection Refused"


You are trying to download patches of Microsoft/other vendors. However Patch download fails with an error message " Connection Time Out / Bug in Authorization Handling / Connection Refused"


Patch download fails in the following scenarios related with Proxy issues.
Proxy Not Defined or Wrong Password
Wrong Proxy Port
Wrong Proxy Host / Low bandwith / Delay in Downloading Patches
Proxy User Authentication 


  1. Ensure that you have provided the correct Proxy details.
  2. Retry the process to download the patch or the software from the concern vendors website.
  3. In case if this problem continues, kindly contact

Applies to: Patch Deployment Failure, Patch Download Failure, checksum Failed

Keywords: Problem while downloading the patch from server, Patch Installation Failure

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