How to block USB devices using Device Control Plus?

USB devices are the most used peripheral devices for data transfer. In an organization, several peripheral devices will be accessible across the network. The hybrid working model only boosted the presence of USB devices and the expanded network landscape only makes an organization's security vulnerable to exploits and attacks. Hence, it is vital to control the USB device accessand restrict unauthorized access from critical enterprise data.

Follow the steps below to impose a USB block across systems using Device Control Plus.


Step 1: In the product console, navigate to Create Policy section from the Policies tab.

Step 2: To block a USB device, select the Block option for Removable Storage Devices.

Step 3: You may also block the connection bus of removable storage devices via USB and/or SCSI based on your preference.

Step 4: Select Save & Publish to create a policy or Save as Draft for a draft version.

By performing these steps, the USB devices will be blocked.