iPhone Native App for Server Availability Monitoring

Monitor your network anytime, anywhere, on the go with iPhone Ping Tool. Monitor availability of servers, desktops, routers, switches and other network devices in a local network, at the convenience of your iPhone device. Using this tool, you can view the SSL certificate, monitor the response time, traceroute details of your websites. Monitor upto 25 hosts simultaneously with information about host availability.

Free iPhone Ping Tool Highlights


  • Monitor the availability of the websites, servers, routers and other network devices in the LAN environment.
  • Find Minimum/Maximum/Average trip time of the packet from the host.
  • Find time-to-live value for each packet received from the host.
  • Ping the devices continuously and get their availability status from the Hostlist view.
  • Color codes help identify whether the monitored devices are up and running.


  • Troubleshoot routing problems by finding the Traceroute details for websites,servers, routers and other network devices.
  • Find the number of hops taken by the packet to reach destination server.
  • Find the Round-trip time to destination devices and websites. iPhone Ping Tool presents a graphical view of RTT over time.

DNS Lookup

  • Perform DNS lookup and get the DNS records directly from your iPhone.
  • Get the IP-Address and SOA records of websites.
  • Get the MX record,NS record and TXT record of websites.

Response Time

  • Monitor the response time of websites with intuitive graphs.
  • Find the average response time value of websites for the last five polls.

SSL Monitor

  • View the SSL certificate details of websites.
  • Find the expiry date, issue date, issuer name, common name of websites for the SSL certificates.

Port Scanner

  • View open ports in the selected server with its description. iPhone Ping Tool is preloaded with 2 options for port scanning.
  • Scan open ports with in a specific range using the range selection option.
  • Scan specific ports using the custom port selection option.

Whois Details

  • View the registered details of the given domain name.
  • View the name of the registrant, date of registration, registry domain ID, registrar details, and more.

Device Availability Monitoring

Ensure your network is up and running with uninterrupted uptime and network availability, using Opmanager.

Device Availability Monitoring

Key features:

  • Polls the device for availability using ICMP ping.
  • Customize availability polling interval to any specific infrastructure or device.
  • Array of metrics apart from device up/down status so that you can avert false positives.
  • Stop polling a dependent device when the parent device is down using Device Uplink dependencies.
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