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What to expect

The demands of the modern digital economy and the growing complexity of IT infrastructure have demonstrated the significant need for advanced ITOps. At the same time, the rapidly evolving IT landscape has created additional challenges for IT operations, requiring an increasingly innovative, adaptive, and sustainable approach to support businesses and keep their IT operations functioning efficiently.

Artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) provides a way to address these complexities by automating and optimizing ITOps processes by leveraging machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

This panel discussion will give you an overview of what AIOps is, what it means to have AIOps in an IT environment, and how it can help your business stay ahead of the curve.

You'll learn:

  • What AIOps is and how it impacts IT operations.
  • How AIOps can help achieve operational excellence.
  • Factors large and small enterprises should consider before implementing AIOps.
  • Strategies for integrating AIOps into your existing IT operations.
  • Key use cases of AIOps.
  • The future of AIOps in the ITOM space.

Featured Speakers

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Stephen Elliot

Group Vice President, I&O, Cloud Operations, and DevOps

Stephen Elliot is the group vice president at IDC where he manages several programs including IT operations, enterprise management, ITSM, agile, DevOps, application performance, virtualization, multi-cloud management and automation, log analytics, container management, DaaS, and software-defined computing. He advises senior executives in the IT, business, and investment industries in the creation of strategy and operational tactics that drive the execution of digital transformation and business growth.

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Sharath Babu

Technical Evangelist,
ITOM Solutions

Sharath Babu is a product specialist at ManageEngine, a division of Zoho Corp. With his expertise in design, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the ITOM suite, he has handled several implementations and training for customers across the globe. Sharath has been a keynote speaker at many international seminars and user conferences for ManageEngine. He is also specialized in identifying and removing the root cause of network issues from a customer's environment and providing them with a better solution.

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Bharani Kumar Kulasekaran

Head of Marketing,
ManageEngine ITOM

Bharani Kumar Kulasekaran is head of marketing for ITOM solutions at ManageEngine. He takes care of branding, demand generation, analyst relations, and customer success. He has been a speaker at various technology events and holds a profound understanding of IT operations management.

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