Key Manager Plus » Features » SSL/TLS public certificate authority integrations

The certificate infrastructure of organizations consists of certificates procured from different Certificate Authorities (CAs) to secure their exhaustive range of endpoints. Siloed management of certificates from different CAs often results in missing an expired certificate, which quickly leads to unexpected outages and service downtime. With Key Manager Plus, you can perform the required operations on certificates belonging to multiple CAs and secure their end-to-end lifecycle.

Once configured with Key Manager Plus, you can import, request, deploy, renew, revoke, and delete all of your certificates from a single interface, eliminating the need to shuffle between different CA screens. It allows you to track the status of each certificate request, renewal, and domain validation. Gain insights with analytical reports curated for the certificates managed by each CA.

Simplify the management of certificates from multiple CAs

From Key Manager Plus, you can manage the certificates from Let's Encrypt, DigiCert, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, ACME, MS-CA, Sectigo, and more. Key Manager Plus takes care of automated validation of the domain to procure and renew certificates. Each obtained certificate is automatically updated in the repository. It sends alerts for the expiring certificates and auto-renews them exactly 15 days before expiry.

Let's Encrypt integration
GlobalSign integration

Regulate the devices issued by your enterprise

With Mobile Device Manager Plus (ManageEngine's MDM software) integrated into Key Manager Plus, you can discover and import SSL certificates from your enterprise's managed devices. Key Manager Plus establishes a secure connection with the MDM server and you can effortlessly deploy your certificates on the chosen devices.

Monitor the certificates from AWS-ACM

Using Key Manager Plus, you can request both public and private certificates from ACM (AWS Certificate Manager). While ACM doesn't support the creation of new certificates, Key Manager Plus allows you to create the required certificates. It automatically redeploys the renewed certificates and periodically performs synchronization checks with ACM.

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