Zensar Technologies is a publicly traded IT software and services company headquartered in Pune, India. Being in the IT services industry, most of Zensar's projects revolve around tackling IT challenges faced by its clients on a day-to-day basis. One such challenge was the problem of dealing with unforeseen SSL/TLS certificate expiration. Most of Zensar's customer organizations relied on manual, error-prone methods to track their digital certificates and therefore had a very poor visibility over their SSL/TLS environment. This led to certificates expiring unexpectedly, resulting in frequent service outages, non-compliance with regulatory requirements, which negatively impacted their brand reputation. Zensar was in the lookout for a solution that could effectively automate SSL/TLS certificate life cycle management for its customers.
Today, Key Manager Plus forms an integral part of Zensar's product suite called the Managed Services Platform. Ever since Zensar deployed Key Manager Plus, it was able to achieve complete visibility over client SSL/TLS environments, centralize certificate expiry alerting, renewal, and deployment with minimal manual intervention, enabling its customers stay away from unexpected service downtimes and security incidents.