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Data breach

Information on nuclear power plants stolen in a data breach at Ingerop

Ingerop, an engineering company based in France, has fallen victim to a data breach that exposed 65GB worth of sensitive documents on nuclear power plants, prisons, and tram networks. The attack might be linked to Ingerop's association with a nuclear power plant on the France-Germany border that's recently received flak from anti-nuclear activists.

Details of the attack

According to reports issued by German-based public broadcaster NDR on November 2nd, a spokesperson at Ingerop confirmed more than 11,000 files from a dozen projects were exposed in June 2018. These files contained blueprints of a high-security prison, information on a nuclear waste dump in northeastern France, and Ingerop workers' personal information.

Ingerop has notified its stakeholders about the breach and implemented measures to bolster its security. Investigations have revealed that some of the stolen Ingerop data was found on a rented server in the German city of Dortmund. However, there have been no leads on the whereabouts of the perpetrators or the rest of the stolen data.

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