On August 23, Delaware-based insurance broker firm, Lyons Companies, notified its clients that it fell victim to a data breach. The compromised information includes names, contact details, driver license data, bank account information, date of birth, medical records, and health insurance information. Social Security numbers of some individuals may have been compromised in the breach as well.
On March 12, 2019, Lyons Companies detected unusual activity in its employee email accounts. It hired a third-party cybersecurity forensics team to investigate. The findings revealed that two of their employee email accounts were accessed by unauthorized users. The first email account was accessed between February 4 and March 12, 2019, and the second account was accessed for a few hours on March 12, 2019.
Even though they were unable to discover the full extent of the breach, they reviewed the information of the clients that were present in the compromised employee email accounts, and notified the potentially impacted customers. Lyons is providing complimentary credit monitoring and identity restoration services to all affected customers. Apart from that, they have shared “Privacy Safeguards” guidelines with the impacted individuals.
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