In September 2019, city officials of Pocatello, Idaho reported that a data breach of the city’s online utility payment portal may have compromised residents’ financial data. The compromised information includes cardholder names, addresses, credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV numbers.
As soon as city officials received information that threat actors accessed the city’s payment portal, they launched an investigation to determine the extent of the attack. The findings revealed that users who made credit or debit card payments between July 29, 2019, and September 7, 2019, were affected. City officials also notified the third-party payment portal provider, the local police department, the Idaho Attorney General, and the FBI regarding the breach.
“We have taken steps to ensure customer information has been secured using best cybersecurity practices,” said Chris Sorensen, chief information officer. “The city will continue to work with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts as they continue their investigations.” The citizens have been instructed to monitor their accounts for suspicious activity.
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