NCM iPhone App

Access Network Configuration Manager
from your iPhone.

You don't have to be tied to your computer to manage your network device configurations. With the Network Configuration Manager iPhone app, you can take control of your device configurations from anywhere. The app seamlessly connects your iPhone with your Network Configuration Manager installation and allows you to do nearly everything you can do in the web interface.

NCM iPhone App
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  • NCM iPhone App

    Informative inventory:

    The inventory helps you get a deeper look into your network devices. It provides granular details such as serial numbers, interface and chassis info, EOL and EOS dates, IP addresses, and hardware properties of managed devices.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Configuration management:

    Capture configurations as and when changes occur. The configurations are then versioned and stored in a secure database. The app also lets you quickly compare the running configuration with the startup or baseline configurations for each device.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Informative inventory:

    The inventory helps you get a deeper look into your network devices. It provides granular details such as serial numbers, interface and chassis info, EOL and EOS dates, IP addresses, and hardware properties of managed devices.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Configuration management:

    Capture configurations as and when changes occur. The configurations are then versioned and stored in a secure database. The app also lets you quickly compare the running configuration with the startup or baseline configurations for each device.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Configuration backup:

    Network Configuration Manager automatically triggers a configuration backup whenever a configuration change occurs in any device. The iPhone app offers an at-a-glance view of all configuration backups along with their version numbers and the date and time the backups were created.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Configuration change tracking:

    Keep tabs on unauthorized configuration changes and receive notifications in real time. You can also find information on who carried out the change and from where (IP address).

  • NCM iPhone App

    Compliance management:

    Stay up to date with the configuration policy violations to ensure compliance with organizational and security policies. Clicking the Compliance tab shows violations associated with policies and policy groups.

  • NCM iPhone App


    View a simple list of all alarms categorized based on severity (critical, warning, and attention). This allows you to prioritize and quickly troubleshoot critical alerts. In addition, you can clear, acknowledge, delete, and add notes on alarms.

  • NCM iPhone App

    Powerful search:

    Easily search across your device inventory, configurations, backups, change histories, and compliance details. This helps you easily find the information you need to improve productivity.

NCM iPhone App Getting Started

After successfully installing the app

Provide the name of the server & port where NCM is running.

Turn off HTTPS mode if you are not running NCM in HTTPS mode.

Click on Login button.

Note: The App works with Network Configuration Manager Version 12.0 and above

Steps to rate and review the app:

  • Download and install the app.
  • Under settings, click on the rate up menu which will direct you to the Appstore.
  • Select the star rating and write a review.
  • Take a screenshot of your review and reach out to to claim your gift card.
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