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Unlock User Accounts
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Unlock User Accounts 'On The Go'

Unlock User Accounts 'On The Go'

Among the most frequent and repetitive tasks that an Active Directory administrator performs is unlocking locked out user accounts. Since errors in keying in the password or using a wrong password by users is usually the reason for accounts getting locked, every single time that every user attempts to log in could lead to a user account getting locked.

Though you can hardly guess when you might get an unlock request, you are expected to unlock user accounts the moment you receive a request simply because locked out user accounts will impact user productivity. In these days of team / collaborative work environments, the loss in productivity of a single user could lead to disruption in the productivity of other users as well. This in turn may cause a serious dent in the productivity of your organization. But is it possible to unlock user accounts from anywhere or anytime? Yes.

ADManager Plus Active Directory mobile app for Android smartphones and devices help you in attending to locked out user accounts instantly. In fact, unlike the native AD tools or PowerShell, which need you to be glued to your AD server round the clock to be able to unlock user accounts, this app gives you wings to be absolutely just about anywhere in the world and unlock user accounts using just your mobile devices.

In just a single touch, you can unlock multiple locked out user account swiftly. Download ADManager Plus app to experience 'on the move' AD user management.

The web-based version of this Active Directory application offers a comprehensive list of Active Directory, MS Exchange Server management features and 150+ pre-configured reports. This tool also offers a safe AD task delegation mechanism, a multi-level 'review-approve' based workflow and an AD automation module. Download the 30-day free trial version of this software to explore all its capabilities in detail.

Other features in ADManager Plus Mobile apps:

Demo Server Configuration for the App

Server :
Port : 80
Username: adminuser
Password: 123@admP

Scan this code to download the App

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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