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Configure MDM Cloud

Most enterprises look for a Cloud-based solution, to save time and cost spent on hardware and software infrastructure. Cloud based solutions not only eradicate the initial investment, it also serves as a maintenance free solution. You need not buy, install, upgrade or maintain any hardware or software. You can just sign up, create an account with MDM and follow few simple steps to start managing your mobile devices.

ManageEngine MDM Cloud is powered by Zoho. Names like "Zoho" and "ManageEngine" are used interchangeably, however both Zoho and ManageEngine are divisions of Zoho Corporation.

If you're using MDM Cloud, the following IP addresses and domains needs to be allowed:

  • transmail.net
  • mdm.manageengine.in

You also need to allow noreply@notifications.mobiledevicemanagerplus.com on your e-mail filters to receive e-mails from MDM.

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