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User Assignment and Enrollment Completion

In order to complete enrollment, once the device is activated and enrolled into MDM, it needs to be assigned against a user. There are following scenarios:

When devices are enrolled, they will show two statuses - Awaiting Device Activation, Awaiting User Assignment. Both these steps can be completed in any order. When a device is booted up and connects with ABM and enrolls into MDM, device activation is complete. When the device is assigned a user/ group in MDM, user assignment is complete.

In some cases, devices can be assigned users and groups in advance, so that when the device is booted up, it completes device activation and MDM enrollment and is automatically assigned the user and/ or group as pre-configured.

Steps to Assign Users to Devices

Log in to the MDM console. Then, go to Enrollment > Apple > Apple Enrollment (ABM/ASM) > Devices. From the list of devices, choose the device you want to assign to users. You can select multiple devices if needed. Choose Assignment Method:

Provisioning devices individually:

  • To assign a single device, click 'Assign User' under the Actions tab.

  • You can assign user and group details either before or after the device is powered on.
  • For devices not assigned to a specific user, such as kiosks or shared devices, designate an IT technician responsible for managing them.
  • Specify the groups to which the device belongs, which will automate the distribution of apps, configurations, and documents. Click Assign.

Preparing devices in bulk (CSV Upload):

You can bulk assign the list of devices against the users and groups. You can also do this in advance, thus preparing upcoming devices to assign to the respective groups/ users automatically when they enroll.

  • To assign Users in bulk, click on "Bulk Assign Users" and download the provided CSV file.
  • Prepare a CSV file with the following columns: Serial Number, User Name, Domain Name, Email Address, and Group Name.
  • Click on the Browse option and select the prepared CSV file.
  • Ensure the CSV format adheres to the provided guidelines, including required fields and correct formatting. Click upload.

Sample CSV Format

C07Q853LG9RM ANDREW   andrew@zylker.com zylker_drivers


  1. Mandatory Fields: The fields Serial Number, User Name, Email Address, and Group Name are required. All other fields are optional.
  2. Group Name: Ensure that the specified group name is already created in the MDM server.
  3. Default Values: If optional fields are not provided, default values will be used: Domain Name: MDM Owned By: Corporate
  4. Multiple Groups: If you specify multiple groups, separate the group names with a slash (/).
  5. CSV Format:

    The first line should contain the column headers. Columns can be arranged in any order based on your preference. For any fields without values, simply represent them with a comma. If a column value includes a comma, ensure the value is enclosed in quotes to avoid formatting issues.

Enabling authentication on devices to complete enrollment by the user:

  • If using on-premises or cloud MDM, you can automate user assignment. 
  • Enable the automated assignment feature in the ABM settings.
  • Ensure Active Directory is configured in MDM for authentication.
  • Devices will be auto-assigned to users based on their Active Directory credentials.


  1. Username Format: When using ABM auto-assignment, ensure the username format is domain name\user name.
  2. Active Directory Authentication is supported only in On-Premise MSP Editions and is not supported in Cloud MSP Edition.

Unassign devices from the Current MDM

If you do not want a device to be automatically assigned to the default MDM server, you can unassign it from the current MDM. If the device is already in a managed status and is unassigned from the MDM-integrated server, the status will update once the device is powered on or rebooted. To immediately make the device unmanaged, you must deprovision it manually from the MDM console. If the device is in staged mode on the integrated MDM server and the unassign action is performed, the device status will be updated during the next sync.

Steps to Remove Devices

  • Access the Apple Business Manager portal using your organization’s credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the Devices section from the main dashboard. Here, you can manage and view all the devices associated with your organization, allowing for effective oversight and administration of device assignments and settings.
  • From the list of devices, select the device(s) you want to remove. You can select multiple devices if needed.
  • Click on "..." option and click on "Edit MDM Server" and choose "Unassign from the Current MDM". If removing multiple devices, you can also upload a CSV file with the device details for bulk unassign.
  • Confirm your action to unassign the devices.

Unassign vs. Release: Use Unassign for standard device removal, which allows you to detach a device from its current user or configuration while retaining the option for future reassignment. On the other hand, use Release only if the device is at the End of Life or permanently damaged.

Device Re-enrollment: Devices that are removed from one ABM account must be re-enrolled in a new ABM account if they are to be managed elsewhere. Ensure that devices are fully removed from the old account before enrolling them in a new one.

For more information on device de-provisioning in ME MDM, please refer to our De-Provision Guide.

Automated Device Activation

When a device is enrolled through Apple Business/School Manager (ABM/ASM) into the Mobile Device Management (MDM) system, the admin can follow these steps to activate and complete the device setup. The initial setup process is dependent on the configuration of the Device Activation Settings.

Step-by-Step Activation Process:

  • Either power on a new device or perform a factory reset on an existing device to begin the activation process.
  • On the "Quick Start" screen, select "Set Up Device Without Another Device" to proceed with manual setup.
  • You can choose "Set up later in Settings" to skip configuring the written and spoken language at this time.
  • Choose your preferred language and connect to a Wi-Fi network to continue with the device activation.
  • On the "Remote Management" screen, click "Enroll this iPad" (or applicable device) to initiate the enrollment process when Device to be Activated by Admin or Enter your Active Directory (AD) credentials for authentication, then click "Sign in" to proceed when Device to be Activated by User .
  • Set a 4 or 6-digit passcode, depending on your preference, to secure the device.
  • Review and agree to the "Terms & Conditions" by clicking "Continue".
  • Navigate to Settings > VPN & Device Management on the device to verify the installation of the MDM profile.
  • If the admin has preconfigured any work-related applications for silent installation, those apps will automatically begin installing upon enrollment.
  • Click "Sign In" with your Apple ID to begin the app installation process. Organization-approved work applications will automatically start installing. The duration of this process may vary depending on the number and size of the apps.
  • Once the apps are installed, open the ME MDM app on the device to explore various management tabs including Device Details, App Catalog (where you can view, install, or update approved apps), Privacy Policy, Announcements, Content Catalog, Compliance, Terms of Use, and Support. Your iOS device is now fully enrolled in the MDM system, and all approved work applications have been successfully installed and are ready for use.
  • Once the user assignment and device activation are successfully completed, the device will appear in the Devices section under Enrollment in the MDM console with the status marked as "Enrolled". Click on the device name to view its detailed information. To learn more about Device Management, visit our Asset Management Guide.

What's Next?

Add devices using Apple Configurator

To learn how to add devices using Apple Configurator, visit our Apple Configurator Help Page.

Enroll Device through ABM

Learn how to enroll your devices in the MDM system through Apple Business Manager by visiting our ABM/ASM Device Enrollment Help Guide.

Trobleshooting Tips

For detailed Troubleshooting Tips on common issues during device enrollment or configuration, visit our Troubleshooting Guide .


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