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Integrating Zendesk with MDM

Zendesk is a SaaS-based helpdesk and inventory management solution. A help desk technician in a mobile first organization often receives tickets regarding lost phones, removing corporate data from personally owned devices, or resetting corporate owned devices for new employees. The integration with MDM gives help desk technicians the power to perform the above mentioned actions and a lot more right from the Zendesk console. This is applicable only for MDM Cloud.

Integration Procedure

To integrate Zendesk with MDM, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. On the Zendesk Marketplace, search for Mobile Device Manager Plus.
  2. Click on Install from the top right corner and enter the Zendesk account details to initiate the app installation. Admins can also select the respective data centers if they are using either the EU or IN data centers.
  3. Upon installation, login to Zendesk using the credentials mentioned while installing the app from the Zendesk Marketplace
  4. Sign in or Sign up with Mobile Device Manager Plus Cloud to complete the integration.

Upon integration, the help desk technicians can sync the device details from MDM server. The admin can then select the device associated with tickets raised by the user and perform the following actions:

  • Location tracking
  • Remote lock
  • Corporate wipe
  • Complete wipe
  • Remote control

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