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Profile Management

Mobile Device Manager Plus uses profiles as a mode to apply configurations to the managed devices. You can create profiles and publish them, which can be associated to a managed device or a group of devices. The following topics will cover more on creating and associating profiles to devices and groups.

A published profile is not applied to any of the devices until they are associated with the devices or groups. When a profile is modified and published, a new version of the profile is created. New versions of the same profile will not be applied automatically to any devices/groups, to which they were applied before. You would need to associate the profile to the devices/groups again to apply the configurations.

When the modified profile is applied to devices/groups to which the previous version of the profile was applied, the configurations are overwritten with the new changes. If you have removed any particular configuration in the new version and applied the same to the devices, then the particular configuration will be removed from the devices though it was installed earlier by the previous version.

For example: You have created a new version for profile where you have removed mail server configurations, and then the profile is associated with the devices, then the email server configurations will be removed from the managed devices though it was configured earlier as per the previous profile.

Profile Management Workflow in Apple devices:

When a profile is created and published, it is ready to be distributed to devices or groups. Every Profile that is associated to a device/group will get applied immediately as soon as the device is reachable. User intervention is not required, to impose any policy or restriction in form of a profile.

Profile Management Workflow in Android devices:

Policies and Restrictions are applied to the devices in form of Profiles. When a Profile is associated to an android device or group, the end user will be notified and the profile can be viewed under "Policies and Restrictions" tab in the mobile device. End User will be notified to accept the Policies/Restrictions within a specific time limit, if the Policies/Restrictions are not accepted by the end user then the it will be listed under violated policies. Policies/Restrictions which are accepted by the end user will be listed under imposed policies.

Profile Management Workflow in Windows devices:

When a Profile is associated to a Windows device or group, the end user will be notified. Profiles will not be applied to the device as soon as the administrator distributes it, it will reach the mobile device, only when the mobile device contacts the Mobile Device Manager Plus server during the 60 minutes refresh interval.

Export Profiles:

MDM lets you export the details of policies and restrictions configured for your devices, ensuring compliance with your organization's standards. You can export profiles in PDF across all platforms. This data not only meets compliance but also serves auditing purposes. Follow the below mentioned steps to export profiles:

  1. On the product console, navigate to Device Mgmt > Profiles > Select the profile which you want to export.
  2. Click on the Export button.
  3. A printing prompt will appear, ensure you select Save as PDF option and then proceed.

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