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Enroll Windows devices

Enrolling devices is the first stage in managing a device, after which you can associate profiles, distribute apps etc., You can manage Windows 8 and 8.1 mobile devices, Windows 10 or above mobile devices, Surface Pro tablets and desktops/laptops.

We have made your job simpler!

Learn how to enroll Windows 10 or above devices in bulk with minimum Admin action, in under 3 minutes through this demo video.

Enrollment prerequisite

Prior to enrolling your device with ME MDM, it is necessary to manually remove the device from existing device management solutions if any.

  1. When devices are enrolled using Windows Laptop / Surface pro enrollment, the .bat file has now been enhanced to automate this process using custom scripts. The user will be prompted to remove the device from other MDM solutions. To enroll devices using Laptop / Surface Pro enrollment, click here.
  2. If the preexisting MDM solution has imposed any device / group policy (Disable MDM Enrollment)restricting other device management solutions, it must be removed in advance for a trouble free enrollment process with MDM. Follow these steps to remove the group policy:
    • Open Control Panel and search for Edit group policy.
    • Under Administrative Tools, go to Edit group policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components.
    • Go to the MDM folder and click on Disable MDM Enrollment.
    • Now, set the option to Not configured to remove the group policy.

Enroll devices

  1. On the MDM server, click on Enrollment and select Enroll Windows devices

  2. Provide the following details:
    • Domain Name: Choose the AD/Azure domain name from the dropdown. If you have not configured AD/Azure on MDM server, select Default Workgroup
    • User Name: Enter the name of the user, whose device is to be enrolled.
    • Email address/Mobile number: It is mandatory to enter the email address and/or mobile number of the user who receives the enrollment request.
    • Owned By: Owner of the device either Corporate or Personal
    • Assign to Group: Specify the group, to which the device must fall into.
  3. Click on Enroll to initiate the enrollment process.

Ensure proxy and mail server are configured, for enrollment through invites.

In case of MDM Cloud, users will be sent 2 mails, one for account creation with MDM (joining the organization) and the second with the enrollment invitation. The pre-fetched user names given to the users during enrollment, can be modified by clicking the Edit icon provided against the user name in the enrolled devices list given in the Enrollment tab. This is useful to modify the existing user names to AD user names to provision AD-based profiles such as Exchange, E-mail etc., to the users. To edit the user names in bulk, refer this

Users receive an enrollment invite mail with instructions about enrolling devices. On successfully enrolling the device, you can view them under the Enrollment tab.

SMS Enrollment

The admin can choose to either send out an SMS along with the email or just an SMS to users to enroll their devices.

Mobile Device Manager Plus provides organization free SMS credits to enroll devices. An organization get 20% extra credits on the number of licensed mobile devices. For Example: An organization with 100 devices will have 120 free SMS credits.

Following are a few points to be kept in mind while using SMS enrollment:

  1. Mobile Device Manager Plus integrates with Clickatel and BulkSMS to send out SMS to the users.
  2. Since bulk SMS providers are used, a user might not receive the SMS if they have enabled 'Do not Disturb' for their mobile numbers.
  3. The sender ID differs from country to country and carrier to carrier and hence it is recommended to inform the users that they will be receiving an enrollment SMS to ensure that these SMS are not treated as spam. The sender name varies since some countries block SMS sent from foreign numbers.

Enroll additional devices for same user

You can enroll multiple devices for the same user by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. On the MDM server, click on Enrollment tab, where the devices and their users are listed.
  2. Click on the hamburger icon present under Action and select Enroll Additional Device
  3. Specify the Platform, Owned By and Assign to Group as explained above
  4. Click on Enroll to send enrollment request to the speicified user.

Bulk Enrollment

This option facilitates enrolling several devices at the same time. You can simply create a CSV file with the User Name, Domain Name, Email, Owned by and Group and upload the same. Each entry must be in a separate line. Refer the below mentioned CSV file for example,

Sample CSV Format


  1. The CSV file should contain the following fields: User Name, Domain Name, Email Address, Platform Type, Owned By, Group Name and UDID.
  2. The fields User Name, Email Address and Platform Type are mandatory. All the other fields are optional. If not provided, default values are taken
  3. The default values for various non-mandatory fields are:
    Domain Name -- MDM
    Owned By -- Corporate
    Group Name -- Default Group for given Owned By & Platform Type.
  4. The first line of the CSV is the column header and the columns can be in any order.
  5. Blank column values should be comma separated.
  6. If the column value contains comma, it should be specified within quotes.

Follow the steps mentioned below, to enroll devices through Bulk Enrollment.

  1. On the MDM server, click on Enrollment tab.
  2. Click on Bulk Enrollment. Click on Browse to upload the created CSV file and Import the same
    Enrollment invite is sent to all the users listed on the CSV file.

Enrollment process on Windows devices

Follow the instructions given below to enroll Windows devices:

In case of MDM Cloud, users have to click the enrollment invite and sign in to MDM account following the instructions provided in the mail. The server URL and the password must be copied from the web browser.

  1. In the device to be enrolled, navigate to Settings.
  2. If the device is running Windows 8, click on Company Apps. If the device is running Windows 8.1, click on Workplace. In case the device is running Windows 11, click on Accounts and then select Access work or school
  3. If the device is running Windows 8 or 8.1, click on Add Account. If the device is running Windows 11, click on Enroll only in device management
  4. Specify the following details:
    If the authentication method is OTPE-mail Address
        : Your corporate e-mail address

        : The OTP specified in the mail.

    User name
    Leave it blank
    Leave it blank
      : Server URL specified in the enrollment invite
    If the authentication method is AD/Azure/Zoho account credentials
    E-mail Address
        : Your corporate e-mail address

        : Your AD/Azure/Zoho account password

    User name
        : Your AD/Azure/Zoho account user name

        : Your AD/Azure/Zoho account domain

      : Server URL specified in the enrollment invite
    If the authentication method is Two-Factor(Combination of OTP and AD/Azure credentials)

    Two-Factor authentication is not supported by Windows workplace. So, even if Two-Factor Authentication is selected on MDM server, it is defaulted to AD/Azure authentication

    E-mail Address
        : Your corporate e-mail address

        : Your AD/Azure password

    User name
        : Your AD/Azure user name

        : Your AD/Azure domain

      : Server URL specified in the enrollment invite

Your windows device has been successfully enrolled.

Removing an enrolled device

  1. Go to Settings -> Enrollment
  2. Click on Enrollment tab
  3. Click Search button and search for the device by using its known properties (user name, device name etc)
  4. Click on Action button and select Remove Device
  5. In the confirm box, click OK.

Removing the device removes all the profiles and apps associated with the device. All configurations in Company/Workspace is cleared for devices running Windows 8.1 and above.

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