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Device Profiles for Chromebook

As the name suggests, device profiles ensure the restrictions and policies are applied to the entire device. Thus, if you provision a device profile, the restrictions and policies are applied to the device irrespective of the users utilizing Chromebook. You can learn more about the device profiles applicable for Chrome OS below:

Chromebook Device Profiles

  • Enrollment and Access: Admins can manage the enrollment and access of chrome devices in their organization. When a device has been completely wiped, you can enforce re-enrollment on chrome devices. Allow users to restore the device to its factory reset state. You can also configure Verified access, Verified mode, device return instructions and Two Factor Authentication (TFA) on the Chromebooks.
  • Sign-in Settings: You can configure the Sign-in Settings to manage users' sign-in and control the Guest sessions on Chrome devices. These settings allow you to determine which users are permitted to sign in and specify whether to allow Guest sessions on Chromebooks.
  • Device Update Settings: Configure and manage OS and app updates on Managed Chrome devices. You can allow devices to update OS automatically and schedule the update rollout plan on Chromebooks.
  • Kiosk Settings: You can lock down the Chromebooks with certain apps using Kiosk mode and configure kiosk settings such as Kiosk accessibility, Kiosk power settings, URL block listing, Display settings etc.
  • Other Settings: You can manage the device network settings, USB access, Bluetooth services on the Chromebooks. Additionally, you can configure display settings, power and shutdown etc.

To know more about the list of ChromeOS policies and restrictions available in Google Admin Console, click here.

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