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Customize fonts of your Mac devices using the Mobile Device Manager Plus font payload. Supported for Mac devices with version macOS 10.9 and above.

Adding Fonts

  1. On the web console, navigate to Device Management.
  2. Click on Profiles -> Create Profile -> macOS -> Fonts
  3. Click on Add Fonts.
  4. Specify a font display name and upload the desired font file in .ttf or .otf format.
  5. Fonts added to MDM using other Fonts profiles will be listed in the dropdown. You can search and select the font that needs to be distributed from the dropdown.
  6. Save and Publish the profile.
  7. Associate the profile to devices and groups.

Deleting Fonts

  1. On the web console, navigate to Device Management.
  2. Click on Profiles -> Create Profile -> macOS -> Fonts
  3. In the Select Fonts dropdown, search the font to be deleted.
  4. Hover over the font and click on the Delete icon.

Note: Fonts deleted from a profile will also be removed from other associated profiles and the devices.

Points to Note:

  • The uploaded fonts can not be set as the default font in document viewer apps.
  • Built-in device fonts can not be replaced with the uploaded fonts.
  • This feature is supported only for custom font compatible apps like Notes, Mail, etc.
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