Error in Third Party Certificate


You are trying to install an MDM profile to enroll a device and you get an error message "Error in Third Party Certificate". 


This mainly occurs due to an error in Third Party Certificate configuration as specified below. It can also occur due to error while installing Secure Gateway. 

  1. Intermediate chain not configured properly
  2. Server does not start after configuring Third Party certificate, or the Third Party certificate is not reflected in MDM Server even after restart


When you open the server URL (https://nat_address:port_number) on Firefox browser, the corresponding error in certificate will be shown.

Check whether the intermediate chain is configured properly. Also, verify whether the certificate is encrypted (Open the certificate in notepad, it should be readable). If not, you need to follow the steps below to configure intermediate certificate properly, either using automatic or manual download.

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Import SSL certificate on your MDM console, and upload the vendor-signed certificates. 
  2. Now you will be prompted to upload the intermediate certificate. 
  3. On choosing Automatic, the intermediate certificate will be detected automatically. If you want to use your own intermediate certificate or upload more than one intermediate certificate, choose Manual and upload manually.
  4. In case Secure Gateway is configured, copy the newly configured certificate from the MDM server and use it to configure the Secure Gateway.

Check whether the certificate is accessible in the installation directory (Check whether it has read and write permissions)

If the issue persists or if you are unable to resolve this issue, please contact MDM Support.

Applies to: iOS Enrollment, Device Enrollment, Managing Mobile Devices

Keywords: Enrollment failure, Mobile Device Management, Managing iOS Devices

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