
Configuration backup & disaster recovery

These are the questions asked during Configuration backup & disaster recovery training.


  • While Upgrading device expert to NCM, is there a clear path? can we use the same license file?You can send an email to support@deviceexpert.com. We will help you to upgrade the product. We will convert the license file and send it to you.
  • Can we track changes on Windows devices also?We only support Network devices.
  • Is it possible for the NCM to add some command line or configuration to the router or switch? You can add command line and push to the devices. We are going to cover this part in our next session.
  • Does NCM add any configuration for backup operations, to the device?We do not add any configuration on the device. For example, For Cisco devices we use the terminal length 0 and "show running-configuration","show startup-configuration" commands to backup the device configuration.
  • What is the difference between NCM and OpManager?Opmanager is the Monitoring software and NCM is the Management software,NCM comes as an add on for Opmanager, You can use NCM to manage your network devices.
  • If I have OpManager, can I use the current inventory?If I have OpManager, can I use the current inventory?
  • can we take checkpoint configuration backup?You can take a checkpoint device backup.
  • what command we can use for checkpoint compliance check?We use "show configuration" command to backup the Checkpoint devices. Currently, we do not have a default compliance policy for Checkpoint devices. We have an option to create your compliance policies depending upon your company standards. If you need any help to create a compliance policy, please contact our support  email id : eval-itom@manageengine.com.
  • What is the format of the SNMPv3 password credentials?You need to create the V3 user and view with Auth and Priv password. We support AES 256 and DES.
  • How can I see all the users on my Network with their device name, IP Address, Bandwidth consumption and blocking opportunity in ManageEngine?You can achieve this with the combination of NetFlow Analyzer and NCM. Please refer the below link for NetFlow Analyzer. https://www.manageengine.com/products/netflow/
  • Is CISCO NXOS one of the templates?Yes, CISCO NXOS is one of the templates.
  • Is there a possibility to export the device configuration manually from db and upload via CLI commands?Yes, you can export the device configuration manually from db and upload via CLI commands.
  • What is exactly SysOID?SysOID is the identifier for a device using SNMP.
  • Does NCM support Fortigate firewalls?Yes, We do support all types of Fortigate.
  • How to import Domain Controller server on NCM?You can navigate to Settings -> User Management -> Windows Domain and then add the controller.
  • Is Aruba fully supported?Yes, We support any device that are managed through CLI.
  • Can we add CISCO L3 and L2 switch?Yes, You can add L3 and L2 switch without any problem.
  • Is there a way to exclude items from being detected in change management?Yes, we have the option of Exclude Criteria. Once you create the criteria, NCM will not check those for changes.
  • Do you have any approval process for taking backup & restore?Yes, we do have this feature available in the product for all Operator users.
  • What do you mean by device template?Device Templates are the template based on which we associate device type and with the Commands to backup the device.
  • Is there a necessity to automate the backups manually, before doing it automatically?Yes, You have to backup the device once manually and then configure the Syslog automation.
  • What is config conflict?It is the difference in Startup and Running or Running and Baseline configuration.
  • What happens if the "changed by" tab says it is "not available"?There is a possibility that the Syslog message does not have the User name detail. Also for the backup done manually we will not have this field updated.
  • Which is your current NCM version?The latest version for NCM in 123053.
  • Where is the Exclude Criteria?You will find it under Settings -> NCM -> Exclude Criteria
  • Can snmpv1 be disabled due to vulns?We have option to use V2, v2c and V3. You can choose any based on your requirement.
  • Do you have any other feature apart from backup/restore like running some script?We do have the Configlets feature in the product that will allow you to push changes to the devices using script. We will cover this up in over next session on 30th Jan.
  • What is Line feed and are timers configured in ms?Line feed means a "new line char" and timers are configured in milliseconds.
  • Whose IP address is seen in the server field of server settings?It will be by default, the NCM installed server IP address.
  • Where can I find logs related in order to find the reason for backup failures?When you drill down to the Device Snapshot page, you will get the Reason of the failure.
  • If I edit a configuration and not save it, then how does it create a problem?There will be no change in the startup config and we will backup the running config alone. It will show the Startup-Running config Conflict in the UI.
  • What do you mean by unauthorized change?If you make any changes outside NCM tool, then it is marked as unauthorized changes.
  • So I have to make all changes via NCM and not by taking local access to device?All Changes will be mentioned as Authorized.
  • Does NCM support NextGen syslog?We use Syslog logout messages to detect the changes in real-time. The syslog format used is RFC 5424.
  • How can I compare the current configuration setting with an older version (used 10 days ago)?You can see the timestamp in 'Changes' page and identify the version number for that particular change. You can compare that with the current configuration.
  • Is AD authentication supported in NCM?Yes. We do support AD authentication.
  • Why are my backups showed as unauthorised? What can I do to prevent it?All the changes that are made from out side of NCM will be treated as unauthorized. You need to make it authorized from "Inventory >> Changes" page.Or else, you can provide the user names whose changes are always set as authorised. You can do that in 'Settings >> System Properties'.
  • From where are the configuration files accessible after a backup has been run in NCM?All the configuration files are encrypted and stored in NCM's database. You can click on a particular device to view its config file in a readable format.
  • If there is no backup configuration and the changes have been done can we rollback to old configuration?yes it is possible
  • Does it support SDWAN?NCM supports network devices that support CLI and the configuration file in a readable format.
  • Does the OpManager NCM Plug-in have the same features and functionality as a standalone NCM server?Yes. Standalone and NCM-plugin having the same features.
  • what is Line Feed(LF)?Line feed means new line character. Once you type commands, you need to hit enter to execute that command. Line feed is used send as 'enter' option after executing the command in NCM.
  • So if I have cisco prime in my enviroment do I still need NCM ? You can use Cisco Prime to manage the Cisco devices alone. In NCM we support more than 60 major vendors like Fortigate,juniper,Cisco,etc... If you have muliple device vendors in your environment, NCM will help you manage all the devices.
  • I have Implemented NCM / on the import option via i followed the exp. utilizing a .txt file to import - This seemed not to be a supported method. is the only option here is to import via .csv ? Please contact NCM support or send an email to ncm-support@manageengine.com.
  • Again what is the differnce between OpManager and NCM ? NCM is add-on for OpManager. If you go to inventory -> Config Management to access the NCM. Please send the issue details to ncm-support@manageengine.com mail id. We will be glad to assist you to slove the issues.,OpManager is the device and Network Monitoring software and NCM is Network Management software.
  • what hypervisors are supported if i want to virtualize the server?You can install NCM on any VM server.
  • How do we backup the NCM database?You can use the BackupDB.bat / BackupDB.sh script under NCMHome/bin/backup folder to take backup of NCM database. IF you are using MSSql DB, you can take DB backup directly on MSSQL server.
  • What is the maximum device number NCM supports? Opmanager with NCM plugin - We support upto 2000 devices. Standalone NCM version - we dsupport more than 5000 devices.
  • How can I go about downloading and installing the NCM ADD-ON?OpManager/5980/ManageEngine_OpManager_NCM_Plug-In.exe
    Steps :
    1. Stop OpManger service.
    2. Download and install the NCM exe.
    3. Start the OpManager service. 
  • Maxmium how many devices can connect to this application?You can manage upto 10000 device in a standalone NCM
  • can it support cisco Nexus switches and HPE switches template you have ?Yes. NCM support any device that can be managed by CLI (SSH/TELNET). For new vendors and device types, we will provide support in couple of days, you can just import the template and start managing the devices.
  • can we  upgrade the firmware of the firewalls and Cisco Nexus by using TFTP in the NCM tool ? Yes. You can very well do it using Configlets / TFTP server in NCM.
  • Like cisco wireless controller is there i need to open in Https  from this NCM ? You can open it http/https from Device Snapshot page


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