Encrypted storage of network configurations.

With rising data breaches taking a toll on enterprises, administrators often have a tough time battling data theft. In 2018, data breaches disrupted companies' normal work cycles and costed millions of dollars in losses. Data breaches can be controlled by storage encryption. In fact, storage encryption is one of the most effective ways to prevent hackers from wreaking havoc in your network database. In Network Configuration Manager, storage encryption can be used to store device configurations, usernames, passwords, emails, phone numbers, and other sensitive information to maintain data security. Network Configuration Manager stores device configurations in an encrypted form in the PostgreSQL database bundled with the product, making the process safe and secure.

Want have a secure backup of all your device configuration files? Our experts can show you how to do it with Network Configuration Manager.

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How storage encryption works in Network Configuration Manager.

In Network Configuration Manager, all the configuration files can be encrypted and stored. After the configurations are encrypted on the Network Configuration Manager server, they’re saved to the product’s database. Once the data is stored on the database, it will only be decrypted by the server when it needs to be shown in the UI. Network admins can be assured that their data is safe and that it can't be decrypted by brute force or any other decryption method. Thus, Network Configuration Manager helps to achieve the utmost safety in your network environment.

Importance of encrypted storage.

Encryption is crucial to guarantee that no unauthorized individuals can access business-critical files. This will drastically reduce the potential for unauthorized access or leaks while maintaining a secure network infrastructure; it's also a fundamental part of protecting your business’ IT environment. Here are the reasons why data encryption is so important:

1.  Encryption provides data security 

With Network Configuration Manager solution as your configuration managing tool, it is not possible for hackers and malicious users to access data. Moreover,  Network Configuration Manager ensures double protection by encrypting data to prevent hackers and unauthorized users from getting their hands on the raw data. Thus, network administrators can be assured of complete protection of their configuration files by practicing storage encryption.

2.  Protection across multiple devices  by encryption

With smartphones and mobile applications gaining popularity, network administrators find it increasingly hard to protect data stored on these devices. Network Configuration Manager eliminates data breaches on local devices and mobile devices, as it does not store the encrypted data on either type of device. Instead, the data is encrypted and stored on a server, and is only fetched by mobile applications and other personal devices when needed. This ensures security across multiple devices.

3.  Data security during transit by Encryption

A major problem network administrators face while managing configurations is encrypting data during transmission. Network Configuration Manager provides an effective encryption solution which helps to ensure that data is protected when it's being stored and transmitted. Device data with SSH credentials can be encrypted even during transit, meaning files that are shared or uploaded to cloud systems remain safe throughout the transmission process.

4. Encryption helps to maintain data integrity  

Data alteration is one of the fraudulent methods handled by hackers apart from data theft, which leaves the organizations worry about the integrity of their data. Network Configuration Manager keeps your data safe from alterations by data encryption which prevents tampering of data by third party users/hackers. Thus storage encryption effectively safe guards all forms of data and maintains data integrity over a long period of time.

5. Encryption ensures compliance 

Ensuring compliance with internal and external guidelines is essential for any organization. However, there are certain restrictions imposed on specific industries regarding how data should be handled. Not only does storage encryption provide one of the safest ways to transmit and store data, but it also helps you comply with HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and other restrictions. Put simply, by encrypting data with Network Configuration Manager, you will achieve complete security across all devices. Use Network Configuration Manager and experience effective network management with configuration backups, change management, and much more!


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