EOL/EOS reports

Sweating of assets—or getting the most value of assets already owned—has been identified as one of the most common causes of network issues. Network admins often continue to use their network devices even after those devices have been branded obsolete or unsupported by the vendor. This can lead to disasters resulting from vulnerabilities or hardware failure, which is why keeping track of the end of support, end of sale, and end of life—EOL/EOS for short—information of the devices on your network is extremely important. But when your network consists of numerous devices, maintaining records of the EOL/EOS information of each device on your network can be difficult. Before we discuss Network Configuration Manager's EOL/EOS reports in detail, let's look into what these terms mean and how ignoring them can disrupt your network's function.

For EOL/EOS sync, we get data from Network Configuration Manager's ManageEngine database: https://ncm.nimbuspop.com. Customers must allow this domain in order to get those data.

End of support (EOS)

End of sale (EOS)

End of life (EOL)

  • End of support is when all technical assistance for a product is discontinued from a vendor.

  • Using unsupported devices puts a network at risk due to a lack of new security updates.

  • An admin can sometimes choose to purchase extended support, but this is expensive in most cases.

  • End of sale is when a vendor stops selling a product.

  • Replacement parts often continue to be sold, so using such devices often occurs.

  • These devices can also be purchased from third parties, but doing so comes with the risk of being sold faulty or counterfeit devices.

  • End of life is when a product has reached the end of its useful lifespan.

  • These devices are usually obsolete, so using them is strongly discouraged.

  • Admins must decommission these devices before they can cause any security or performance issues.

EOL/EOS reports with Network Configuration Manager  

Request EOL/EOS database update:

Sometimes EOL/EOS dates are not available by default, forcing an admin to manually search for them or contact the vendor. However, doing so would be rather difficult when an admin needs EOL/EOS information for many devices. Network Configuration Manager makes this simpler for admins with the option to request an EOL/EOS database update. This option will send a list of the SysOIDs and other device details to our support team, which will then be used to populate the database with corresponding EOL/EOS network device data.

Request for EOL/EOS database update  

When EOL/EOS reports come in handy

The primary objective of EOL/EOS reports is to ensure that there's no loss of productivity due to unsupported or obsolete hardware. The reports do this by informing admins on decisions like purchasing extended support and decommissioning devices to avoid any chances of performance degradation, data breaches, or network outages. They also aid in auditing and allocating funds for both purchasing extended support and replacement devices. Also, EOL / EOS report can be generated in both PDF and CSV formats. And EOL announced column will not be available in PDF format.

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