How to add a new device template?
To add a new device template in Network Configuration Manager (NCM), follow these steps:
Navigate to Device Templates:
- Go to Settings -> Device Templates.
- Click on the Add button.
Fill in the Device Details Tab:
- Name: Enter a unique name for the device template that clearly identifies the device type.
- Description (Optional): Provide a brief description of the device template if desired.
- OS Type (Optional): Specify the operating system type if applicable.
- Vendor: Select the vendor associated with the new device type from the list.
- Base Template: The base template helps identify the device type and fetches the appropriate commands for device operations. Choose an existing template that closely resembles the new device type to ensure that the details and commands are accurate and easily retrieved.
- Vendor and Device Type Limitations: Direct support for adding new vendors and device types is not yet available. If your desired vendor or device type is not listed, you can create a new device template using an XML editor. Support for additional vendors and device types will be provided soon. For any questions or assistance, please contact the support team.
- Click "Next" when you’re done.
Example: Cisco 2901 Router

To know how to add CLI configurations, please refer to Edit CLI Configurations page