Why do you need network backup software?

The growth in technological capabilities and expansion of businesses have had a major impact on network management. Networks that keep businesses running are bigger than ever, becoming a complex web of switches, routers, servers, and other devices. An IT operations team with skills and tools at their disposal ensures that the network continues to function smoothly. But what happens when it doesn’t? What happens when a network is met with an unexpected outage, taking all the devices offline? This is why backing up the network is vital. Recurring outages can equate to millions of dollars in losses. Other than the financial loss businesses will experience following an outage, their reputation and goodwill with various stakeholders will be damaged beyond repair if they develop a reputation for recurring and prolonged outages.

 Why is network backup software important?

1. Taking network backups is a regular and time-consuming process that can invite human error

Manually backing up network configurations is an ordeal and significantly increases the chance of an error. A network operator can even forget to execute a critical backup, putting the network at huge risk if downtime occurs that same day. Network backup software not only allows you to schedule backups, it can also automate backup processes, backing up files on its own as and when changes are made.

2. Network backup software scales with your network as it grows

Network backup software ensures that the configuration backup is stored in a secure location. As the business continues to expand, it will reflect on the size of the network, too, as new devices are added, making it much more complex. Having network backup software ensures that all such changes are still accommodated.

3. Tighter cost control

Network backup software helps avoid the steep costs incurred from network outages. With reliable network backup software, workforce overheads are significantly reduced, because the IT operations team will spend fewer days restoring network functionality in the event of downtime.

4. Augments disaster recovery processes without incurring data loss

Network backups are the most viable way to rebound from downtime without incurring significant data loss, enabling the business to continue functioning. Managing and re-optimizing a network after a downtime is also made easier when you have the most recent trusted configuration setting as a backup.

5. Backup of configuration files is mandated by industry standards

Maintaining regular backups is a best practice mandate of various industry standards. Failing to comply can result in hefty penalties. Network backup software ensures all such compliance objective boxes are ticked.

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager caters to all your end-to-end network configuration management needs

Network configuration management entails long hours along with repetitive and mundane tasks with a high chance of errors if performed manually. Security and integrity of the network is paramount, and having to also execute mundane tasks will cut down the time left to complete high-priority tasks. Network Configuration Manager by ManageEngine is a holistic solution that helps your company monitor, analyze, and automate changes over a wide network.

With Network Configuration Manager, ensure that no crucial backups are missed:

1. Automated backups take place whenever changes are detected. You can also execute timely and vital backups through scheduling.

2. Ready a database backup that helps in disaster recovery processes.

3. Set your trusted, stable configuration as a baseline configuration.

4. Secure backups from external threats by storing backup files in a central repository.

5. Version your configuration backups and do side-by-side comparisons.

Other key highlights of Network Configuration Manager:

1. Detect all the changes made and keep tabs in real time through alerts on critical devices. Compare device configurations and access change management reports that drill down to various metrics.

2. Adhere to industry standards and custom-made policies through compliance checks.

3. Shield the network from potential vulnerabilities and loopholes using firmware vulnerability checks.

4. Grant access privileges and assign devices to operators, strictly controlling the degree of changes that can be made, with a review mechanism before each change is executed.

5. Automate repetitive tasks that tend to take up time with Configlets.

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