Network device management

It is not an  easy task to manage hundreds of network devices. Although network monitoring tools help in managing devices to a considerable extent, too many network device management tools can prove to be expensive and time-consuming. ManageEngine's Network Configuration Manager is a network device management tool that serves as a single solution for network issues by offering an automated network device management system for multiple network devices and device types. Network Configuration Manager or network device manager provides complete network device management solutions with:

  • Automated backups
  • Change management in real time
  • Configlets
  • Vulnerability management
  • Compliance auditing
  • Disaster recovery

Reduce device downtime with automated config backups 

In an organization, it is mandatory to take backups of network configurations to reduce down-time of network devices during an outage. Network Configuration Manager helps you to perform backup operations to restore configurations during a Network disaster. It also helps to compare two configurations which comes in handy to fix faults in a configuration leading to an optimized network performance. 

You can backup configurations of multiple devices/device in three ways:

  • Manual backups - Take backup of configurations on a single click for an instant backup operation on the selected network devices.
  • Scheduled backups - Network Configuration Manager offers the flexibility to specify a time to perform backups, making it easy for admins to manage Network devices.
  • Syslog based backups - NCM triggers automatic backups on files after a change is made, and sends notifications on the change.

Network Configuration Manager helps you to access the backups anytime by easily locating the files using the device name/type.

Network Device Manager - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager


Change management in real time

Imagine a scenario, where there are a lot of network admins, operators and users. In such a case, it is difficult to manually check configuration changes since it can be extremely tiresome and time-consuming. This can be resolved with a network device management software known as Network Configuration Manager as it helps to track changes immediately with change management and generates a change report for every device. 

By  enabling change detection on Network Configuration Manager :

  • Get notifications on who made the configuration change
  • Get Time and date of change
  • Take configuration backups once the changes are saved.

Network Configuration Manager also sends syslog messages, every time a change is detected.

Network Device Management Solutions - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

Automation using Configlets 

Network device management system on Network Configuration Manager has been taken to another level of optimization by using command scripts called Configlets. Configlets are available as templates for various purposes that can be executed in multiple devices at one go. Network Configuration Manager provides customization options to create commands suiting your requirements. Configlets can be executed to:

  • Fix malfunctioning devices
  • Upload configuration files on different devices at one go
  • Execute sequence of commands in multiple devicesNetwork Configuration Manager also helps users access configlets directly  from 'Snapshot' page of every  network device.

Network Device Management Software - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

Vulnerability management

If a device's firmware is not protected from harmful hazards, it may become susceptible and confidential information could be exposed. You can ensure the security of your device's firmware by using Network Configuration Manager's firmware vulnerability management, which allows you to monitor vulnerabilities closely. This feature supplies a registry of vulnerable devices accompanied by CVE IDs that describe the threats and the necessary patches to resolve them. A vulnerability's severity is determined by its base score, which ranges from 0 to 10. The split up is given below:

  • Base score 9.0 - 10 - Critical
  • Base score 7.0 - 8.9 - Important
  • Base score 4.0 - 6.9 - Moderate
  • Base score 0 - 3.9 - Low

Network compliance 

Stay compliant with current day industry standards like CIS, SOX, HIPAA, and PCI DSS with Network Configuration Manager. Also, secure your network using compliance templates and 

  •  Fix vulnerabilities in the network
  •  Prevent loop holes in a configuration
  •  Avoid legal consequences  

Network Configuration Manager also lets you create internal compliance policies thereby paving way to complete device management free from vulnerabilities.

Network Device Management Tools - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

Disaster recovery

Don't let disasters like network outages and security breaches affect your network's performance. Network Configuration Manager or network device manager provides effective network device management solutions such as disaster recovery by backing up configuration files or the entire data base. Apart from this, Network device configuration management also helps you to:

  • Upload Baseline configuration as the running configuration during a network outage
  • Sync running and start-up configurations to avoid loss of information during a disaster
  • Roll back configurations to previous version when an undesirable change happens to the configuration
  • Back up and export configuration files to your local device to use during a network crash.

Network Device Management System - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager


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