Floating Point Overflow error - "Error 1771"


You are trying to install Adobe Flash Player for IE ( However, a floating-point overflow occurs at the RPC server. with an error message: "Error Code 1771".


The possible reason could be:

  • The installer you're attempting to use will not work if you're in China. This issue occurs only for Chinese Simplified Machine.


  1. You'll get this error message 'floating-point overflow occurred at the RPC server' while installing Adobe Flash Player for IE ( if you're in China. While attempting to use that installer, your default browser should have launched to Flash Player官方下载-Flash中国官网. If the browser doesn't launch, you can use this link to download. (This link has been taken from Adobe forums)

    Note: Ensure that your machine is online before you proceed with the process because it can be installed only when the user is online. Offline installation is not available.

  2. If the browser doesn't launch even after using the link given above, send the installation log files to us so that we can review it. The installation log file(s) are saved at:
    • 32-bit OS: C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\FlashInstall32.log
    • 64-bit OS: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashInstall32.log AND C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\FlashInstall64.log
      Both files are required from a 64-bit OS
    Also, provide a screenshot of the error message.


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