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Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) auditing tool

ADAudit Plus enables you to track logon activity occurring via federation servers in your network.

Gain full visibility into federation server logons in just a few clicks

User logon auditing

Know the IP address from which a logon request was initiated, the accessed app (such as Microsoft 365), and the claims issued.

Failed logon tracking

Get information on the reason for authentication failures and quickly remediate the underlying issue.

Extranet lockout detection

Spot lockouts that might be an indicator of a brute-force attack, which is characterized by a high volume of authentication requests.

Comprehensive logon monitoring

Continuously track all user logon activity, including remote logons occurring via Remote Desktop Gateway servers and RADIUS Network Policy Servers.

Streamline AD FS auditing, detect critical activities, and demonstrate compliance

Audit trail

Maintain a full audit trail of all logon activity occurring via federation servers in your network.

Instant alerts

Be instantly notified via email and SMS about critical activities such as logons occurring via federation servers during non-business hours.

Audit-ready reports

Automate the generation and delivery of out-of-the-box reports to pass compliance audits with ease.

Other features

Audit activities across your AD and Azure AD, track file accesses, monitor privileged users, and much more with ADAudit Plus.

Easily stay on top of all federation server activity

  • 1

    Receive alerts about critical activities such as logons occurring via federation servers during non-business hours.


    Be instantly notified via email and SMS.

    ADFS auditing reports

    Receive alerts about critical activities such as logons occurring via federation servers during non-business hours.
    Be instantly notified via email and SMS.

  • 1

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every federation server logon.


    Automate the generation and delivery of reports to pass compliance audits.

    Instant alerts

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every federation server logon.
    Automate the generation and delivery of reports to pass compliance audits.

  • 1

    Receive alerts about critical activities such as logons occurring via federation servers during non-business hours.


    Be instantly notified via email and SMS.

    ADFS auditing reports

    Receive alerts about critical activities such as logons occurring via federation servers during non-business hours.
    Be instantly notified via email and SMS.

  • 1

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every federation server logon.


    Automate the generation and delivery of reports to pass compliance audits.

    Instant alerts

    Know the who, what, when, and where behind every federation server logon.
    Automate the generation and delivery of reports to pass compliance audits.

  1. 1
  2. 2

Get started with a fully functional, 30-day trial of ADAudit Plus.

Download now


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If you face any issues, download manually here

Other solutions offered by ADAudit Plus

Active directoryFile serverWindows serverWorkstation
Active Directory auditor

Get reports and alerts on changes to AD objects including users, groups, OUs, GPOs, and more instantly.

Account lockout tool

Detect and diagnose AD account lockouts faster by identifying their root cause.

Login monitoring

Monitor, track, and report on both successful and failed login attempts in real time.

Azure AD auditing

Monitor and track all Azure Active Directory sign-ins and events across cloud or hybrid environments.

GPO change auditing

Audit and report on what GPO setting was changed with before and after values—all in real time.

Privileged user monitoring

Monitor and report on critical actions made by administrators or privileged accounts and groups.


ADAudit Plus Trusted By

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