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Calculate the actual billable hours of your team by analyzing their clock-in and clock-out times during custom time periods.
Analyze the productivity of your employees who work from home by filtering out their idle time to find the actual time spent working.
Keep a close eye on the logon activity of a specific privileged group or OU of users, and view details including username, source, logon type, IP addresses, login time, and more.
Find the list of users currently logged in, and calculate the hours they spent working by analyzing the logon duration of each employee.
Schedule periodic reports that provide the list of employees working overtime, and analyze who logged in, from where, when, and their logon duration.
Find the users with the highest failed login attempts, and notify admins so they can analyze the reason behind them to prevent possible brute-force attacks.
Use machine learning to spot malicious employee login behavior such as logins during unusual times, first-time login to a host, sudden spike in login failures, etc.
ADAudit Plus is an Active Directory (AD) auditing tool that provides change visibility to AD objects and Group Policy Objects (GPOs) in real time.