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GLBA Compliance Auditing & Reporting

Segment: Financial Institutions

sox hipaa pci-dss fisma icon-glba

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, requires financial institutions – companies that offer consumers financial products or services like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data. The Act applies to non-bank mortgage lenders | Real estate appraisers | Loan brokers | Some financial or investment advisers | Debt collectors | Tax return preparers | Banks | Real estate settlement service providers....

The IT-GLBA Connect

GLBA is mandatory for a financial institution regardless of it disclosing nonpublic information. The Act ensures there there is a policy in place to protect the information from foreseeable threats in security and data integrity. The auditing and monitoring of various resources in the Windows Server network where crucial data is stored and accessed from has to be secured. ADAudit Plus ensures peace of mind with 24x7 monitoring and an easy-to-view pre-configured reports and alerts. With over 200+ reports to chose from to view the many changes and with the GLBA compliance set of reports, it all becomes quite easy to be compliant.

Note: Click the section numbers in the following table to view the various ADAudit Plus audit reports that will help satisfy a particular clause.

Section Number Requirements Reports

6801( b)(1)(2)(3)

To insure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information;

To protect against unauthorized access to or use of such records or information which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.

To insure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information;

  1. Successful Logon / Logoff
  2. Unsuccessful Logon
  3. RDP Logon
  4. File Access
  5. File Integrity Monitoring
  6. Policy Changes in AD
  7. Changes to Users, Groups & Permissions

Real-Time Audit Reports from ADAudit Plus

A broader look at various audit reports in ADAudit Plus, which satisfy the requirements under a particular category. The reports ensure thorough monitoring and reporting / alerting, besides custom reporting and profile-based reporting.

Real-Time Sample Compliance Audit Reports

Dashboard View
Audit Reports

Compliance Reports

File Audit Reports

6801 ( b) (1) (2) (3)

File Creation | File Deletion | File Modification | Access with Failure & Success

All File or Folder Changes | Files Created | Files Modified | Files Deleted | Successful File Read Access | Failed attempt to Read File | Failed attempt to Write File | Failed attempt to Delete File | Folder Permission Changes | Folder Audit Setting Changes (SACL) | Files Moved (or) Renamed | Changes based on Users | Changes based on Servers | Files Copy-N-Pasted

AC-2 (A.8.3.3, A.11.2.1, A.11.2.2, A.11.2.4, A.15.2.1)

Successful / Unsuccessful Logon & Logoff, RDP Logon

Currently Logged On Users | Logon Duration | Local Logon Failures | Logon History | Terminal Services Activity | Users Logon Duration on Computers | Interactive Logon Failure | Terminated Users Session | RADIUS Logon Failures (NPS) | RADIUS Logon History (NPS)

File Access

All File or Folder Changes | Files Created | Files Modified | Files Deleted | Successful File Read Access | Failed attempt to Read File | Failed attempt to Write File | Failed attempt to Delete File | Folder Permission Changes | Folder Audit Setting Changes (SACL) | Files Moved (or) Renamed | Changes based on Users | Changes based on Servers | Files Copy-N-Pasted

Policy Changes in AD (GPO Change Reports)

Recently Created GPOs | Recently Deleted GPOs | Recently Modified GPOs | GPO Link changes | GPO History | Advanced GPO Reports: Group Policy Settings Changes | Computer Configuration Changes | User Configuration Changes | Password Policy Changes | Account Lockout Policy Changes | Security Settings Changes | Administrative Template Changes | User Rights Assignment Changes | Windows Settings Changes | Group Policy Permission Changes | Group Policy Preferences Changes | Group Policy Settings History | Extended Attribute Changes

Local Policy Changes (Server Audit Reports)

Summary Report | Process Tracking | Policy Changes | System Events | Object Management | Scheduled Task

Changes to Users, Groups & Permissions:

User Management Reports

Recently Created Users | Recently Deleted Users | Recently Enabled Users | Recently Disabled Users | Recently Locked Out Users | Recently Unlocked Users | Frequently Lockedout Users | Recently Password Changed Users | Frequently Unlocked Users | Recently Password Set Users | User Based Password Changes | User Based Password Reset | Recently Modified Users | Password Never Expires Set Users | Extended Attribute Changes | User Attribute New and Old Value | Last Modification on Users | Account Lockout Analyzer | User Object History

Group Management Reports

Recently Created Security Groups | Recently Created Distribution Groups | Recently Deleted Security Groups | Recently Deleted Distribution Groups | Recently Modified Groups | Recently Added Members to Security Groups | Recently Added Members to Distribution Groups | Recently Removed Members from Security Groups | Recently Removed Members from Distribution Groups | Extended Attribute Changes | Group Attribute New and Old Value | Group Object History

Permission Changes Reports

Domain Level Permission Changes | OU Permission Changes | Container Permission Changes | GPO Permission Changes | User Permission Changes | Group Permission Changes | Computer Permission Changes | Schema Permission Changes | Configuration Permission Changes | DNS Permission Changes

Few of the Other Pre-Configured Real-Time Compliance Reports

SOX Compliance Reports

Recent User Logon Activity | Logon Failures | Terminal Services Activity | Logon Duration | Domain Policy Changes | Logon History | User Management | Group Management | Computer Management | OU Management | GPO Management | Administrative User Actions | All File or Folder Changes

HIPAA Compliance Reports

All File or Folder Changes | OU Management | Computer Management | Group Management | User Management | Logon Duration | Terminal Services Activity | Logon Failures | Recent User Logon Activity

FISMA Compliance Reports

Terminal Services Activity | Local Logon Failures | Logon History | Group Management | User Management | Administrative User Actions | Computer Management | OU Management | All File or Folder Changes | Failed attempt to Write File | Failed attempt to Delete File

PCI-DSS Compliance Reports

Recent User Logon Activity | Logon Failures | Terminal Services Activity | Logon History | Administrative User Actions | All File or Folder Changes | RADIUS Logon History (NPS) | Successful File Read Access | Folder Permission Changes | Folder Audit Setting Changes

    ADAudit Plus has helped us meet certain SOX and PCI compliance requirements. Liking the automated monthly reports for SOX, ease of use, implementation and very cost effective solution.
    Jeffrey O'Donnell
    Director of IT,
    Uncle Bob’s Self Storage
    We finalized on ManageEngine ADAudit Plus, primarily for our SOX Audit reports and I think the tool, with its easy to comprehend output is very cool and the highly competitive pricing helped grab our attention.
    Andreas Ederer
    Cosma International
    We are an emergency healthcare provider. We see the software as good risk avoidance with some good risk management practices and help us meet HIPAA compliance. We chose ADAudit Plus, which works 24/7/365 like us.
    JT Mason
    Director of IT
    California Transplant Donor Network (CTDN)
    We evaluated different software; ADAudit Plus is extremely easy to deploy and a cost-effective solution that helped us pass several industry related security audits, in-depth PEN audit test and meet HIPAA security guidelines.
    Renee Davis
    Life Management Center
    We are a not for profit organization and had to satisfy HIPAA requirements, we chose ADAudit Plus which helped us to see what changes were made and who made them in our AD.
    Manager of Network Operations
    ADAudit Plus was the simplest and most relevant from the several products we trialed to monitor user logon failures, account cleaning, to keep a check on malicious activities and meet PCI-DSS compliance.
    Bernie Camus
    IT Manager
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