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ManageEngine ADSolutions vs Netwrix Auditor

Comparison of ManageEngine ADSolutions suite of products with Netwrix products.

Features Description ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory
1. Active Directory auditing
1.1 Logon auditing Provides information on both successful and failed logons.
1.2 Account lockout analysis Notifies of a lockout along with information on the reason of lockout.
1.3 Object change audit Provides information on user, computer, group, and OU management actions.
1.4 GPO change audit Provides information on GPO management actions and GPO settings changes.
1.5 Permission change audit Provides information on changes to objects' permissions.
1.6 Schema and configuration change audit Provides information on changes made to schema and objects inside the configuration containers such as sites.
1.7 Replication auditing Provides information on AD replication status.
1.8 Privileged user monitoring Provides information on all activities performed by privileged users in the domain.
1.9 Before and after values of changes Provides information on the old and new values of changed attributes in the domain.
1.10 User session recording Provides a video recording of user screen activity.
2. Azure AD/Microsoft Entra ID auditing
2.1 Logon auditing Provides information on all successful and failed logons.
2.2 Risk Detection Provides insights into risky sign-in attempts.
2.3 User and device change auditing Provides information on all user and device management actions.
2.4 Group membership and role change auditing Provides information on membership changes to groups and dynamic groups, and the assignment and removal of roles to users.
2.5 Application change auditing Provides information on applications that have been added, updated, and deleted, and consent given to APIs.
3. File server auditing
3.1 File/folder access audit Provides information on file/folder read, create, delete, and modify actions.
3.2 File/folder permission change audit Provides information on file/folder DACL and SACL changes.
3.3 File/folder failed attempts audit Provides information on failed attempts to read, write, and delete file/folder.
3.4 Supported environments Windows, Windows failover cluster, NetApp, and EMC.
+Synology, Hitachi, Huawei, Amazon FSx for Windows, QNAP, and Azure

4. Windows server and workstation auditing
4.1 Local user logon auditing Provides information on both successful and failed logons on local machines.
4.2 Local object change audit Provides information on local user and group management actions.
4.3 Local policy change audit Provides information on changes to local security policy.
4.4 File integrity monitoring Provides information on new programs and modifications to executable files.
4.5 AD Federation Service (AD FS) auditing Provides information on both successful and failed AD FS logons.
4.6 LAPS auditing Provides information on who is viewing or modifying local admin credentials.
4.7 User work hour tracking Provides information on employees' actual work hours (excluding idle time).
4.8 Printer auditing Provides information on printer usage.
4.9 PowerShell auditing Provides information on PowerShell processes that run in your environment along with the commands executed in them
4.10 AD Certificate Services (AD CS) auditing Provides information on certificate-related activities on your AD CS servers.
4.11 Scheduled task and process auditing Provides information on scheduled tasks that have been created, deleted, or modified, and processes that have been started or stopped.
5. Key functionalities
5.1 Real-time auditing Allows tracking of security events in real-time.
5.2 Real-time alerts Provides instant notifications upon of security events.
5.3 User behavior analytics Allows detection of abnormal user behavior based on users' previous activity patterns.
5.4 Video recording of user screen activity Allows capturing of user screen activity even if no logs are produced.
5.5 Who, when, where, and what of changes Provides complete user audit trail— who did what, when, and from where.
5.6 Before and after values of changes Provides information on changed attribute values (before and after) of AD objects.
5.7 Quick search Allows tracking down specifics quickly.
5.8 Graphs Provides a visual representation of audit data.
5.9 Prepackaged reports Provides audit data with one click.
5.10 Report customization Allows creation of reports according to user needs.
5.11 Compliance reports Provides prepackaged IT compliance reports for SOX, HIPAA, PCI, GLBA, and GDPR.
5.12 Automated report generation Allows automatic generation of reports at user defined time intervals.
5.13 Automated report delivery Allows automatic emailing of reports to user specified email addresses.
5.14 Export of reports Allows the export of reports to multiple formats like PDF, XLS, CSV, and HTML.
5.15 Alert delivery Allows email and SMS delivery of alerts.
5.16 Alert thresholds Allows configuration of thresholds based alerts.
5.17 Incident response Allows execution of a predetermined action when an alert gets triggered.
5.18 Long-term log retention Allows long term retention of audit data.
5.19 SIEM integration Allows forwarding of audit data to SIEM solutions.
5.20 Web-based console Allows access to the product over the web.
5.21 Multiple domain auditing Allows configuration of multiple domains for auditing.
5.22 Role-based access Allows role-based user access to product.
5.23 Architecture Offers both agentless and agent-based audit data collection
6. Evaluation and purchase
6.1 Evaluation Provides online demo, free instant trial, and personalized demo.
6.2 Ease of installation Does not require professional assistance to deploy the solution.
6.3 Licensing and pricing  
  • Licensed based on the number of domain Controllers/ File servers/ Windows servers/ Azure AD tenants
  • Pricing starts at $595 (annual subscription fee for 2 DCs).
  • Licensed based on number of user accounts*.
  • Pricing information is not publicly available.

*Disclaimer: Netwrix Auditor's licensing information is not publicly available, the details in this document have been obtained from third-party sources.


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