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Remote desktop monitoring software

ADAudit Plus enables you to continuously monitor remote desktop connections occurring across your Windows server environment.

Get real-time visibility into remote desktop activity

User logon auditing

Get information on who logged in to which computer, when, and from where via remote desktop connection.

Failed logon tracking

Detect potential brute-force attacks by keeping tabs on failed remote desktop logon attempts.

Session duration auditing

See how long users were remotely logged on to computers.

Terminated session tracing

Spot remote desktop sessions that are consuming server resources unnecessarily, because they were terminated rather than being logged off.

Everything you need for comprehensive remote logon monitoring

Instant security alerts

Get email and SMS notifications of remote logons to critical servers during non-business hours. Configure alerts for other similar critical scenarios.

Compliance reports

Automate generation of reports that detail user activity over remote connections and demonstrate compliance.

User behavior analytics (UBA)

Leverage ADAudit Plus' machine learning capabilities to spot unusual remote activity such as a computer being accessed remotely for the first time.

Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG) and RADIUS logon auditing

Track remote user logons occurring via RDG servers and RADIUS Network Policy Servers.

Monitoring remote desktop sessions is just a few clicks away

  • 1

    Find who logged in, when, which computer they logged in to, and from where.


    You can also filter remote desktop activity based on the target computer.

    privileged account monitoring

    Find who logged in, when, which computer they logged in to, and from where.

    You can also filter remote desktop activity based on the target computer.

  • 1

    Define alert thresholds based on working hours.


    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.


    Execute scripts to automatically trigger a response such as shutting down a device.

    privileged access monitoring

    Define alert thresholds based on working hours.

    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.

    Execute scripts to automatically trigger a response such as shutting down a device.

  • 1

    Spot unusual remote activity such as a computer being accessed remotely for the first time.

    audit privilege use

    Spot unusual remote activity such as a computer being accessed remotely for the first time.

  • 1

    Find who logged in, when, which computer they logged in to, and from where.


    You can also filter remote desktop activity based on the target computer.

    privileged account monitoring

    Find who logged in, when, which computer they logged in to, and from where.

    You can also filter remote desktop activity based on the target computer.

  • 1

    Define alert thresholds based on working hours.


    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.


    Execute scripts to automatically trigger a response such as shutting down a device.

    privileged access monitoring

    Define alert thresholds based on working hours.

    Get notified via email and SMS when thresholds are breached.

    Execute scripts to automatically trigger a response such as shutting down a device.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Monitor all remote desktop connections with ease, using ADAudit Plus

Get Your Free Trialfully functional 30-day trial

Keep your Active Directory, file servers, Windows servers, and workstations secure and compliant with ADAudit Plus

Audit AD changes

Receive real-time notifications on changes occurring across both on-premises and Azure Active Directory.

Track user logons

Gain complete visibility into user logon activity, spanning from logon failures to logon history.

Troubleshoot account lockouts

Detect lockouts instantly and know their root cause by tracking down the source of authentication failures.

Monitor privileged users

Get a consolidated audit trail of administrator and other privileged user activities.

Track file access

Audit access to Windows, NetApp, EMC, and Synology files and folders.

Audit Windows member servers

Monitor local logon/logoff activities; changes to local users, groups, user rights; and more.

Detect insider threats

Leverage user behavior analytics (UBA) to detect anomalies based on activity patterns.

Demonstrate compliance

Automate generation of detailed reports and demonstrate compliance with SOX, GDPR, and other mandates.

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